Archive | September, 2018

Боская шматаблічны АСОБА НАШАГА Брыдзень Гурудева

30 Sep

Боская шматаблічны АСОБА НАШАГА Брыдзень Гурудева




(ВЯЛІКІ YOGI VISIONARY СЭН-юги рышы Панда Shriram Шарма Ачарья)



Першапачаткова напісаны на хіндзі








Пазней поўдня рышы Панда Shriram Шарма ACHARYA




(Заснавальнік Увесь свет Гаятры СЯМ’І, сайт: WWW.AWGP.ORG)












Апублікаваны на Інтэрнэце-BY
















Перакладзена на англійскай мове




МС / Heena А. Kapadia (M.Sc., М Філ)
























кіраўнік 1


НАШЫ шанаваных духоўнымі Пакаянне Гурудева Юги рышы Shriram Шарма


кіраўнік 2


ЯК ГЭТА дарэмных бяздзейнічаць ПАДЧАС ЦЕЛА яшчэ жывы!


кіраўнік 3


Я пражыў ЖЫЦЦЁ працякае Боская BLISS


кіраўнік 4


Сапраўдная прырода духоўнага і ўнутраная трансфармацыя


раздзел 5


МОЙ BHAGIRTATH LIKE НАМАГАННІ штуршку і абуджаюць БОЛЬШОЙ СВЕТ інтэлектуалаў


кіраўнік 6


Мая сціплая сардэчная маленне абуджанай душы асоб СВЕТУ


кіраўнік 7


Дасягненне VARCHAS (Боская сілавыя) і пошук рашэнняў праблем, якія адносяцца да гэтага ГЭТАГА MODERN ERA


кіраўнік 8


Пяці патэнцыялаў або ёмістасць для ВЫКАНАННЯ 5 тыпаў прыкладанняў


кіраўнік 9


GRAND дзетараджэння, якія ўзнікалі ў ГЭТЫМ сапраўдны сучасны


кіраўнік 10


КРЫНІЦА натхненню індукуе МІР HUMANS ўбіраць вялікую рэпутацыю на АСНОВЕ мыслення


кіраўнік 11




Чатыр 12


Моцнадзейная чароўнай энергіі, ШТО ДОЛЖНО дараваць больш магчымасцяў і БЯСПЕКА


кіраўнік 13


МОЙ сучаснага фізічнага Грос арганізм Lone ДУХОўныя ПРАКТЫКА SOLITUDE


кіраўнік 14


ПРЫРОДА 5 VIRBHADRAS (тонкая Боская органаў) і роднасныя прэпараты


кіраўнік 15


Хмары палохала МІР СІТУАЦЫЙ НЕ ДАЗВАЛЯЕЦЦА сыпаліся на планеце Зямля


кіраўнік 16


МАЁ Бачны i нябачнае ДЗЕЙНАСЦЬ


кіраўнік 17


Пакорлівая ПРОСЬБА: НЕ прымусіць мяне адмовіцца ўсе дэталі маёй духоўнага жыцця


кіраўнік 18


НАВУКОВЫЯ духоўнымі прапагандуемай Юги рышы Shriram Шарма Ачарья


кіраўнік 19


ГЭТА БЫЛО, ШТО АСОБА духоўнага падзвіжніка, ШТО СТАЎ нятленнай VAULT праны ЭНЕРГІІ


кіраўнік 20

НАШЫ шанаваных Гурудева TAPAS АБО ДУХОўныя аскезы якія папоўнілі КОЖНЫ ДЫХАННЕ HIS


кіраўнік 21


Павага GURU НАШАГА Божаму PSYCHE краёў НАПЕРАД безумоўнай любоўю і спачуваннем


кіраўнік 22


Акіяне DIVINE спачуваннем і малюнак касмічнай любові


кіраўнік 23


НАШЫ шанаваных ЛІСТЫ Гурудева былі падобныя на трывалым каранях квітнеючай расліны


кіраўнік 24


Гэтая эпоха Віясіла Махаршы, ЯКІХ Пісанне глеістых святых адчувальнасць настрояў АБО BHAVASAMVEDANA


кіраўнік 25




кіраўнік 26


GREAT THINKER гэтай эпохі прасякнута SUPER інтэлект Боская


кіраўнік 27


Творцы, які заснаваў УВЕСЬ СВЕТ Гаятры СЯМ’Ю Упрыгожаны Precious «Упрыгожваньні»


кіраўнік 28


ГЭТЫ МІР Гіганцкі СЯМ’Я была створана VIA РАСПАЎСЮДЖВАННЯ сакральны адчувальнасць настрояў АБО BHAVASAMVEDANA


кіраўнік 29




кіраўнік 30


ВЯЛІКІ ПОЎДЗЕНЬ рысу СААЗ аказаны ПРЫНЦЫПЫ Садхана АБО духоўныя практыкі нескладанай ўбіраць


кіраўнік 31




кіраўнік 32


Нашага Брыдзень Гурудев ПОЎДЗЕНЬ рышы Shriram Шарма Ачарья У ВЫГЛЯДЗЕ чароўнага псіхолагаў і псіхіятр


кіраўнік 33


Боская існавання Юги рышы, ШТО Аказалі дагматы садханов АБО ПРАКТЫКА духоўнымі лёгка прытрымлівацца


кіраўнік 34


Боская несмяротнай існаванне Госпада чароўнай культура Бенто на абвясціўшы ў будучыні яркага свету


кіраўнік 35


Сардэчная ПРОСЬБА Да AIDES І рупліўцам LILA Пуруша














Унутраная боская асобу Revered Гурудева (поўна глыбокай пашаны і ласкава называюць так) заснавальнікам ўсіх World Гаятры сям’і і адзін, які правёў усё сваё жыццё падобна Яджна для асвячаючы свету на псіхіку чалавека праз рэлігійную сістэму, быў цэнтрам такіх шматгранным дзейнасць, спрабуючы пісаць пра яго велічы як прымаць свечку і спрабуе адукаваць магутную бліскучае сонца ў небе. Калі калі-небудзь становіцца магчымым падрабязна аб дзейнасці нашай шаноўнай Гурудева Юги рышы Shriram Шарма Ачарья, які даў нам усё вельмі адчувальнай на аснове пачуцця духоўнай філасофіі з дапамогай такіх твораў роднаснага Yugavyas пасля праходжання незлічоныя епітым’і, сусветныя навукоўцы павінны атрымаць толькі розум ўражваў, каб як з дапамогай усяго толькі аднаго чалавека такіх сусветных задач і аб’ёмных можа атрымаць поспех рашуча. Яго працягласць жыцця 80 гадоў з дапамогай заснаванай дысцыпліны кіравання часам пашырацца як гумка стала настолькі вялікі, ці што ён быў Sidhi або поспех яго Супер Энергія Гайатри духоўнага падзвіжніцтва, што калі хтосьці жадае даследаваць у яго павінен прыняць яго так шмат гадоў ,


Добра падыходзіце практычна невыканальную задачу, каб сабраць разам у праграме ўсяго жыцця адно месца шанаваных Гурудева, усю літаратуру, складзеныя ім, вопыт, звязаны з ім, лістом, напісанае ім, афарызмы, складзеныя ім і яго святой nectari

Boskaja šmatabličny ASOBA NAŠAHA Brydzień Hurudieva




(VIALIKI YOGI VISIONARY SEN-juhi ryšy Panda Shriram Šarma Ačaŕja)






Pieršapačatkova napisany na chindzi








Pazniej poŭdnia ryšy Panda Shriram Šarma ACHARYA




(Zasnavaĺnik Uvieś sviet Hajatry SIAMJI, sajt: WWW.AWGP.ORG)












Apublikavany na Internecie-BY
















Pierakladziena na anhlijskaj movie




MS / Heena A. Kapadia (M.Sc., M Fil)



























kiraŭnik 1


NAŠY šanavanych duchoŭnymi Pakajannie Hurudieva Juhi ryšy Shriram Šarma


kiraŭnik 2


JAK HETA daremnych biazdziejničać PADČAS CIELA jašče žyvy!


kiraŭnik 3


JA pražyŭ ŽYCCIO praciakaje Boskaja BLISS


kiraŭnik 4


Sapraŭdnaja pryroda duchoŭnaha i ŭnutranaja transfarmacyja


razdziel 5


MOJ BHAGIRTATH LIKE NAMAHANNI šturšku i abudžajuć BOĹŠOJ SVIET inteliektualaŭ


kiraŭnik 6


Maja sciplaja sardečnaja maliennie abudžanaj dušy asob SVIETU


kiraŭnik 7


Dasiahniennie VARCHAS (Boskaja silavyja) i pošuk rašenniaŭ prabliem, jakija adnosiacca da hetaha HETAHA MODERN ERA


kiraŭnik 8


Piaci patencyjalaŭ abo jomistasć dlia VYKANANNIA 5 typaŭ prykladanniaŭ


kiraŭnik 9


GRAND dzietaradžennia, jakija ŭznikali ŭ HETYM sapraŭdny sučasny


kiraŭnik 10


KRYNICA natchnienniu indukuje MIR HUMANS ŭbirać vialikuju reputacyju na ASNOVIE mysliennia


kiraŭnik 11




Čatyr 12


Mocnadziejnaja čaroŭnaj enierhii, ŠTO DOLŽNO daravać boĺš mahčymasciaŭ i BIASPIEKA


kiraŭnik 13


MOJ sučasnaha fizičnaha Hros arhanizm Lone DUCHOŭnyja PRAKTYKA SOLITUDE


kiraŭnik 14


PRYRODA 5 VIRBHADRAS (tonkaja Boskaja orhanaŭ) i rodnasnyja preparaty


kiraŭnik 15


Chmary palochala MIR SITUACYJ NIE DAZVALIAJECCA sypalisia na planiecie Ziamlia


kiraŭnik 16


MAJO Bačny i niabačnaje DZIEJNASĆ


kiraŭnik 17


Pakorlivaja PROŚBA: NIE prymusić mianie admovicca ŭsie detali majoj duchoŭnaha žyccia


kiraŭnik 18


NAVUKOVYJA duchoŭnymi prapahandujemaj Juhi ryšy Shriram Šarma Ačaŕja


kiraŭnik 19


HETA BYLO, ŠTO ASOBA duchoŭnaha padzvižnika, ŠTO STAŬ niatliennaj VAULT prany ENIERHII


kiraŭnik 20


NAŠY šanavanych Hurudieva TAPAS ABO DUCHOŭnyja askiezy jakija papoŭnili KOŽNY DYCHANNIE HIS


kiraŭnik 21


Pavaha GURU NAŠAHA Božamu PSYCHE krajoŭ NAPIERAD biezumoŭnaj liuboŭju i spačuvanniem


kiraŭnik 22


Akijanie DIVINE spačuvanniem i maliunak kasmičnaj liubovi


kiraŭnik 23


NAŠY šanavanych LISTY Hurudieva byli padobnyja na tryvalym karaniach kvitniejučaj rasliny


kiraŭnik 24


Hetaja epocha Vijasila Macharšy, JAKICH Pisannie hlieistych sviatych adčuvaĺnasć nastrojaŭ ABO BHAVASAMVEDANA


kiraŭnik 25




kiraŭnik 26


GREAT THINKER hetaj epochi prasiaknuta SUPER inteliekt Boskaja

kiraŭnik 27


Tvorcy, jaki zasnavaŭ UVIEŚ SVIET Hajatry SIAMJU Upryhožany Precious «Upryhožvańni»


kiraŭnik 28


HETY MIR Hihancki SIAMJA byla stvorana VIA RASPAŬSIUDŽVANNIA sakraĺny adčuvaĺnasć nastrojaŭ ABO BHAVASAMVEDANA


kiraŭnik 29




kiraŭnik 30


VIALIKI POŬDZIEŃ rysu SAAZ akazany PRYNCYPY Sadchana ABO duchoŭnyja praktyki nieskladanaj ŭbirać


kiraŭnik 31




kiraŭnik 32


Našaha Brydzień Hurudiev POŬDZIEŃ ryšy Shriram Šarma Ačaŕja U VYHLIADZIE čaroŭnaha psicholahaŭ i psichijatr


kiraŭnik 33


Boskaja isnavannia Juhi ryšy, ŠTO Akazali dahmaty sadchanov ABO PRAKTYKA duchoŭnymi liohka prytrymlivacca


kiraŭnik 34


Boskaja niesmiarotnaj isnavannie Hospada čaroŭnaj kuĺtura Biento na abviasciŭšy ŭ budučyni jarkaha svietu


kiraŭnik 35


Sardečnaja PROŚBA Da AIDES I rupliŭcam LILA Puruša














Unutranaja boskaja asobu Revered Hurudieva (poŭna hlybokaj pašany i laskava nazyvajuć tak) zasnavaĺnikam ŭsich World Hajatry siamji i adzin, jaki pravioŭ usio svajo žyccio padobna Jadžna dlia asviačajučy svietu na psichiku čalavieka praz relihijnuju sistemu, byŭ centram takich šmathrannym dziejnasć, sprabujučy pisać pra jaho vieličy jak prymać sviečku i sprabuje adukavać mahutnuju bliskučaje sonca ŭ niebie. Kali kali-niebudź stanovicca mahčymym padrabiazna ab dziejnasci našaj šanoŭnaj Hurudieva Juhi ryšy Shriram Šarma Ačaŕja, jaki daŭ nam usio vieĺmi adčuvaĺnaj na asnovie pačuccia duchoŭnaj filasofii z dapamohaj takich tvoraŭ rodnasnaha Yugavyas paslia prachodžannia niezličonyja jepitymji, susvietnyja navukoŭcy pavinny atrymać toĺki rozum ŭražvaŭ, kab jak z dapamohaj usiaho toĺki adnaho čalavieka takich susvietnych zadač i abjomnych moža atrymać pospiech rašuča. Jaho praciahlasć žyccia 80 hadoŭ z dapamohaj zasnavanaj dyscypliny kiravannia časam pašyracca jak humka stala nastoĺki vialiki, ci što jon byŭ Sidhi abo pospiech jaho Supier Enierhija Hajatri duchoŭnaha padzvižnictva, što kali chtości žadaje dasliedavać u jaho pavinien pryniać jaho tak šmat hadoŭ ,

Dobra padychodzicie praktyčna nievykanaĺnuju zadaču, kab sabrać razam u prahramie ŭsiaho žyccia adno miesca šanavanych Hurudieva, usiu litaraturu, skladzienyja im, vopyt, zviazany z im, listom, napisanaje im, afaryzmy, skladzienyja im i jaho sviatoj nectari


30 Sep


Talent/skill is the term used of that special quality of our personality wherein it can daringly convert our thinking into action. Brilliantly talented people are masters of self faith/belief. They experience joy in taking up risky ventures and posses valor in amassing required means as per demands of those times. When farsighted valiant people decide to take up a task they make such efforts alertly and energetically that even lack of means and obstructions do not mar their endeavor. After analyzing all obstacles that come their way they find solutions and thus valiantly march forward on the path followed. They never hurry in attaining success. Those possessing 3 qualities of rationality, patience and enterprise walk on difficult paths and via their mind boggling feats amaze one and all. This then is called brilliant talent.

Those possessing the above special qualities are given responsibility of important tasks or else they volunteer to take up such duties. Thus brilliant talent can be called a psyche of Kshatriyas (soldier class) too. A valiant soldier knows that in war he may lose his very life and yet he challenges death daringly.

A brilliantly talented person never worries as to whether circumstances are conducive or not. In fact he adjusts with situations prevailing and marches ahead. For this without effort on his part he attains required means.

In other words such brilliantly talented people can be called strong will powered people full of radiant aura. Whether they take up a good or bad path they exhibit miracles. If they take up crime and dacoit type tasks even there they exhibit their potency and those heading in the direction of sacred world welfare activities their names get etched in golden letters in the annals of world history.

When challenged brilliantly talented people roaring come forward whereas the weak and petty minded hides his face. Weak people lacking power of talent shun all challenges and scurry off like rats.

World history is nothing but history of brilliant talent. The history of era transformation must have been an extraordinary one that transformed from the very roots the world and its human population. In this a major role will be played by talented people. Cowards merely imagine wildly and keep stuttering foolishly. They can help only a little bit initially in broadcasting. Major roles are played only by the valiant section of society. Those who have God given talent in whatever measure must use it for world welfare and thus faithfully serve the hallowed feet of this era’s deity.

Even in wrestlers gathering in the wrestling arena of politics this talent is seen in good measure. With a sense of oneness we must convince such brilliant talent that they must catch the trunk of the tree and climb up the tree with agility. In order to find a seat in the heart of the lay public they must prove their radiant character and sense of selfless service.

If we wish that our country and world advances in an all round manner and that we wish to work towards this end a revolution must set in based on the intellect, ethics and society. This activity is called Yug Nirman Yojana. Every talented person on its basis shall have to work in a particular arena. In every field of life brilliantly talented people must lead. They have to shoulder many responsibilities. It is for this reason that radiant talent has been termed an important glory of God. We must unearth such talent and by honoring them, their potent powers must be used optimally.

Naradaji gave discourses to many people but when he intuitively saw extraordinary talent latent in Ratnakar dacoit he went after the latter and did not rest till the dacoit’s life transformed sacredly. Ratnakar’s talent was given a wholesome direction and thus a miracle was witnessed. He was a number one dacoit but when transformed he became a number one saint too. Great talent always gets the 1st prized spot. In previous stages of life saints like Surdas, Tulsidas etc were very passionate sexually but when they transformed into saints they led others in society. When the lives of Angulimal and Amrapali were transformed piously they became leaders amongst Lord Buddha’s band of disciples.

In every walk of life brilliant talent resides. They play important roles in arenas like literature, art, business, medicine, science, education, associations, creativity etc. Such brilliantly talented people must be convinced by us to join our Yug Nirman Yojana program.



Five energies predominate that render the individual and society well managed and advanced:

  1. Government
  2. Religion
  3. Knowledge
  4. Art
  5. Wealth

Over and above this multifaceted special talent plays a major role in inducing a revolution in society. Hence even they must not be ignored. Hence we can conjoin science and special skills too to the above. With its help only any country achieves progress and becomes powerful. Their role is a major one in uplifting the stature of people. Ere this brilliant talent is used wholesomely the world will ooze with peace and joy.

Brilliantly talented people are visible deities of the world. As a result of their zeal and grace zestful atmosphere is created and all round progress is attained. Ere this talent turns wayward all directions will turn chaotic and hell like situations will be noted the world over. These deities or demigods are:

  1. Political leader
  2. Religious leader
  3. Intellectual class
  4. Artists
  5. Wealthy class

Amongst political leaders are included all candidates elected by the people; religious leaders include saints, Mahants, heads of hermitages, sages, Brahmins, preachers etc; intellectual class encompasses scientists, teachers, authors, journalists, editors, various authorities, judges, engineers, doctors, lawyers, scholars etc; artists include musicians, lyricists, singers, instrumentalists, actors, directors, painters, sculptors etc; the wealthy class includes those who have excess wealth than the amount required to lead a normal life with its basic needs.

Today all of these are revered everywhere. Wealth and fame are attained chiefly by such people. They lead in various arenas. The public accepts their powerful status. It is their responsibility to create circumstances of greatness. When these brilliantly talented people maintain their high stature and alertly live glorious lives full of righteous duties a heavenly situation is created in the world.

 One more thing to add here is that if these talented people misuse their skills then vileness and distortions will increase everywhere. Its dire results will have to be faced by world society.


Today’s dire situations have not manifested due to the lay public but is due to the bad thinking and lowly activities of brilliantly talented people in the fields involving spirituality, religion and intelligence. It is people imbued with glories that take up responsibilities of good management and leadership of various fields and thus influence social life. We must reach out to this glorious talent and awaken them. Their vile thinking must be transformed into greatness because lay people follow the trend set up by such talented people. Without doing all this era transformation will remain a mere dream. For this special efforts will have to be made.

Creation is much more important than destruction. Even today brilliant people are taking up great tasks. They must be looked up to and followed and must be honored. In their own way glorious personages like Ashok, Kumarjiva, Kumaril Bhatta, Shankaracharya, Dayanand, Vivekananda, Jamnalal Bajaj and Bhamashah had carried out great feats of social well being. Even today this tradition has not been destroyed. Many glorious people are carrying out neo creation tasks. By getting inspiration from them the lay public must come forward in support.

Religion, science, art, wealth etc are types of potent forces and energies. It influences human lives in varied ways. Apt use of these forces brings in solutions for various world problems and ushers in the potential to manifest a new era. The deity of this era since many years is trying to bring back great talent the world over on the correct path in a direct and subtle manner via our Gurudeva Shriram Sharmaji’s spiritual practice of making the psyche subtle (Sooksmikaran Sadhana). As a result the speed at which previously the world was heading towards destruction and downfall has been slowed down manifold. Glorious personages must realize their prime duties.

Brilliant talent in the field of modern science has designed a lot of destructive warfare technology yet as far as space wars are concerned they failed. Today science instead of criticizing the very existence of God and religion is making efforts to prove its scientific basis. Modern science is accepting spiritual techniques like Yoga practices, meditation, Mantra chanting, Pranayam, Asan/postures etc. Scientists via their research are now heading towards finding solutions to the root of all world problems.

Religion is the very fount of all round progress of human life. Since taints have entered it people remain unaware of its great good results. Amongst brilliant people in the field of religion a great awakening is taking place. Religious leaders are not only themselves understanding the true import of religion but are teaching the same to their followers too. Now they are analyzing the ultimate reality of this creation. Many saints and people giving religious discourses have started giving solutions from the dais regarding problems pertaining to family, society and country.

After understanding the true religion of this era inspire people to live a life of purity and piousness by giving up internal and external taints. The national saint of India Kalyandevji Maharaj says service to society only is true religion. He himself is selflessly serving all.

In this world the power of the intellectual class prevails. If only they aptly use their intelligence for world welfare creative tasks then in a few days a miracle will ensue. The intellectual class is the very spine of society. In order to overcome the public’s ignorance, illusion, lack etc the intellectual class must make great efforts. Even in this set of people an awakening is taking place and they are becoming more and more active. In India the intellectual class is taking up various problems on a war footing in the form of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, Azadi Bachao Andolan, Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti, Menaka Gandhi raising her voice against harassing animals, Sunderlal Bahuguna and Medha Patkar raising concerns regarding environmental pollution, augmenting of cows in Yavatmal, efforts to advance villages and rendering them self sufficient, Baba Amte working for leprosy patients etc.

In the political arena everywhere loom dark clouds of despair. Once Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya had said that when political leaders see that the entire society has transformed and there is no other way but for us to change too only then perforce will they reform. We must have faith that in the near future illegal unethical politics will come to a grinding halt.

A revolution has taken place in the field of arts. Till date they thought of no other topic than violence, fights, murders, rape and sexual lewdness but today they are now telecasting religious serials like Ramayan, Mahabharat, Shri Krishna, Om Namah Shivaya, Jai Hanuman, Vishwamitra, Manthan etc.

Now even the rich class is realizing that no doubt wealth augments their material comforts yet they snatch way the mind and psyche’s peace and bliss. Hence they are now mulling over using more of their wealth for social welfare so that they get credit, good merits and honor and that thus they can ward off the wrath of the lay public. The wealthy are generously donating for floods, earthquakes, free food distribution schemes, medical aid, schools etc. Generous valiant philanthropists in order to uproot ignorance and uplift human sentiments are contributing greatly.

Brilliantly skillful people of all categories are realizing that they must use their powers for world welfare tasks. This self wisdom and self belief of theirs towards their potent capabilities is a positive promise towards ushering in of an environment of a Golden Era or Satyuga.

From the above discussion it is crystal clear that brilliant talent in various fields is undergoing an awakening and is using their skills for their country, world and culture. You too must identify your talent and use it for uplifting mankind.


Those who possess brilliant talent must realize that God has given them special powers. They must look upon this as their good fate and God’s grace. God has thought them capable while bestowing on them such skills. In God’s eyes in comparison to others they were thought more credible and hence they have attained glories. Hence such God given talent must be used by them for divine tasks.

Objects do not have much importance. Everyone gets them. Jewels are seen on a serpent’s head, pearls are found in oysters and gold, silver etc dwell in the womb of Mother Earth. To possess wealth does not necessarily mean attainment of glory. Libraries possess vaults of knowledge, press machines ceaselessly print literature yet no importance can be given to such knowledge dwelling in materials. If anyone attains knowledge from these books and uses it aptly only then society benefits. If anyone possesses special glories then by looking upon it as God’s precious gift must use them wholesomely for appointed tasks. Thus he/she will attain fame and contentment.

It is hard heartedness on the part of the head of a family to eat yummy food without sharing even a morsel with other family members which forces the latter to sleep on an empty stomach. Such behavior can be executed only by a heartless person. Regarding sentiments such a person truly is blind.

Almighty God has gifted this body intellect sense organs a wife, children and joyous comforts to us all. Keeping in mind this generosity of God a portion of it must be used by us for upgrading peace and joy in the world.

God is not merely generous and compassionate but can be hard hearted in a punishing manner. Instead of deceiving him we must please him. We may flatter him via eulogies but in order to please him we must behave in a great fashion. We must take recourse to compassion, generosity, selfless service etc

Glories or brilliant talent is like a running shield won by a team. Those who harbored generosity in their previous life get it as a prize. This running shield has to be returned in the following here by the winning team. For 1 year they have to protect it. As a result of generosity of past lives we attain brilliant talent based glories yet they are not permanent. Thus like in previous times, even currently we must use it generously. With its aid soul progress is achieved and in following births we attain more brilliant talent. Many people arrogantly misuse their wealth in titillating sense pleasures and thus bloat their vain egos.

Wealth is God’s wife and humanity’s mother. We must take from our mother only bare requirements of daily living. The excess must be shared with her other children in the world.

Whatever we have is only for our enjoyment; such an attitude indeed is demonic. Generosity has to be harbored in day to day living and if one is compassionate one will perforce use brilliant skills for world welfare tasks. Good will manifests not in the mind but psyche. Every talented person must mull over the fact that whatever glories he/she possesses instead of using it for selfish gains must use it for others welfare which is God’s command.

If in comparison to others we possess more intellectual brilliance, talent, wisdom and capabilities then a good bit of it must be utilized for uplifting world humanity. There is no loss to reap here. In exchange for big shot nature we attain greatness.

In order to fulfill God’s mission that brilliant talent given to us as treasure must be used for tasks set up by this era’s deity. This treasure must not be hidden from others so as to benefit selfishly.

The government of Lord Mahakal is about to nationalize this divine talents and glories. In a short period such a social arrangement will ensue wherein none will be allowed to use these skills for selfish benefits. Misuse of this talent will lead to destruction and apt use will result in advancement both materially and spiritually. After listening to the call of discrimination and justice we must change our attitude and if not transformation is bound to happen. These talents must be used for neo creation only. In order that they are not snatched away forcefully by listening to the call of the soul very speedily we must use them for world well being endeavors. We must convert our hard heartedness into cosmic generosity.


Many people are brilliantly talented but amongst them chiefly are wealthy, sacredly sentimental, artists and politicians. Ordinarily talent is thought to be the power of oratory, beauty, will power, loving nature, good qualities, hard work etc that can help influence others. Talented people succeed in leading others in new directions. Everyone knows the utility value and power of wealth. If it can be used wholesomely then even those who eat food after earning daily wages can aptly use their earnings and thus become ideals for others too.

Artists encompass authors, orators, singers, painters and others. They must exhibit their sensitive emotions in such a way that those who are asleep awaken and those who have awakened get inspired to act greatly.

In order to positively transform the world’s environment Yuga Nirman Yojana that is executing such feats will require many means. Not only Bhamashahs but that squirrels who filled their hair with sand so as to throw it in the ocean, self surrendered monkeys/bears of Ramayan era and boatmen too will be required. Those who possess any glory like material means, hard work, time etc must use as much as possible of it for era neo creation tasks.

It is the prime duty of brilliantly talented people the world over to reverse the wrong direction in which today’s times are headed. Good will too is a great glory. Those who possess it must contribute the same for neo creation goals. Hanuman, Arjun, Guru Govind Singh, Samarth Swami Ramdas, Swami Vivekananda, Dayanandji, Gandhiji, Vinobaji etc had looked upon service to the world as the topmost spiritual practice and penance. As a result of this they were honored everywhere. In every era a responsibility has to be shouldered by sensitive people viz. by rejuvenating the cast of religion activate the psyche of world humanity with its divine light. There is no greater meritorious deed than this. Today world humanity is standing dangerously on the precipice of a downfall. In order to save them sensitive farsightedness and methodology will have to be imbibed.

Brilliant people everywhere must wholesomely use their great skills for augmenting great welfare tasks and uprooting vile activities the world over. For this an environment that is conducive must be ushered in. greatness in the world has not been deleted totally. Even today we find people practicing ethics, human and spiritual values in all fields of daily living. No doubt these people are scattered and lie latent and hence are not visible. If by awakening them they are encouraged to join in neo creation tasks then a huge army for neo creation of the world can be enlisted. If radiantly skillful people utilize their efforts and time for such great endeavors a lot can be achieved in this world.

After this comes the artist category of brilliant talented people. Those who desire to use their artistic skills for amassing money so as to get immersed in transient sense pleasures one cannot advise them but those who are devoted to Goddess Saraswati and look upon art as God’s gift are unable to make apt use of their talent due to absence of proper guidance. Such people instead of misusing their art talent for narrow selfish gains must wholesomely use it for world neo creation. Those who in order to augment great tasks are making scattered efforts if they congregate and use their energy in a collective many then in a short time miraculous results will be noted. Today artistic people by collecting under one flag must work together by making a well managed program. Only then will they be considered true worshipers of Goddess Saraswati. For this goal we welcome all artists to come forward.

For creation of this era, for world rebuilding we require authors, poets, instrumentalists, singers, actors, painters etc in large numbers. They must be sensitive in character. If they insist on remaining selfish then vital energy will not manifest in their art and thus will be unable to awaken great inspirations in the psyche of world humanity.


30 Sep




























































































































































GURUDEVA GORUDEVA TAPAS edo espiritual urritasunak gure betikotasun osoa betetzeko












GURUDEVAren idazlana berreskuratzen zen.





25 kapitulua






















































Revered Gurudeva-ren barne-jainkozko jainkosak, (hala nola, maitasunez eta maitasunez) mundu osoko Gayatri familiaren sortzailea eta bere bizitza osoa Yajna-rekin bizi zena, erlijio-sistemaren bidez gizakien psikea gizaki santifikatzeko asmoz, Bere handitasunari buruz idazten saiatzen diren jarduerak kandela bat hartu eta eguzki indartsua eguzkia zeruan argitzen saiatzen da. Inoiz ezinezkoa bihurtzen da gure Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya zinemagilearen jarduerei buruzko xehetasunak, norberak sentipen sentikor guztiak oinarritutako filosofia espiritualaren bidez eman dizkigun Yugavyas-ekin bat datozen idazlanen bidez, penitentzia ezezaguna jasan ondoren. nola pertsona bakar batek baino gehiagok mundu mailako zereginetako zereginak arrakasta izan dezakeen. 80 urte daramatza bizitza kudeatzen duen diziplinaren bidez, gomazko banda bezain zabala izan zen, Sidhi edo bere Super Energia Gayatri espiritualtasun austeritateak arrakastatsua izan zen garaian. Izan ere, inork ikertu nahi badu, urte asko hartuko du .


Praktikoki ia ezinezkoa da leku bakarrean biltzea. Gurudeavaren benetako programa osoa bereganatutako literatur oro, berarekin erlazionatutako esperientziak, berak idatzitako gutunak, berak idatzitako aforismoak eta bere nectari sakratuak


30 Sep



When fire erupts in a room it is rendered very hot. No doubt fire is limited to its fuel yet its heat and light spread far and wide. The sun despite dwelling high up in the sky sends its heat and light to earth. The thunderous sound of cloud can be heard in very far off regions. People imbued with a lot of vital force can transmit their intense personality in far off places and can not only transform other personalities but can change circumstances too. The atmosphere gets influenced by it. The potential that does the task of influencing is vital force even if it functions in varied forms. It can be of a demonic or divine stature. If it is misused terrible destructions can accrue. If used aptly sacred wholesome results are seen. The subtle reason why agitation takes place between divine and demonic energies is that their vital forces are at loggerheads with one another.

The gross law of heat is that regions that are hotter rush towards regions that are less hot. If one hot iron rod is placed near a cold one then the hot one becomes cooler and cold one is rendered hotter. They exchange the quality of heat and cold with one another and will try to reach a stage of equilibrium.

The same holds true for electricity. When a wire that is transmitting electricity is touched regions that contact it too experience electricity. Its potential will be shared in that arena. Even the influence of vital force electricity is like the closeness of heat and cold. A man imbued with immense vital force not only transmits power to a person with weak vital force but can gift his own inner stature too. The reason why in hermitages of Rishis cows and lions resided peacefully is that Rishis full of vital force along with their personality of goodwill could influence these animals thus. Electricity does not differentiate between iron, gold, saint or butcher. It will influence all these in an equal manner. In whatever way one desires to use electricity, it will help accordingly. Yet electricity spread out in the human body behaves differently. In it is present both principles viz. consciousness and sensitivity. It governs the entire body and the brain is its center. Despite this it cannot be called bodily power. Electricity functioning in tube light does not manifest from tube light but does so from elsewhere. In the tube light it merely shines. Electricity found in the human body in reality is consciousness based. It is called the image of vital force. It is not only energy but is sensitivity too. Its special quality is to think deeply. It experiences both principles of ethics and in-ethics and on its basis like material electricity does not remain same sighted but that it flows in the direction of ethics and opposes lack of ethics.

On seeing how such a gigantic factory has been constructed in such a tiny brain one is simply amazed at the engineering intellect of its creator. Ere we wish to design such a potent electronic brain we will need all that very space required to build all factories that are constructed for electricity paraphernalia.

Doubtlessly man is a live walking talking electric power house yet it cannot be compared to material electricity that gives us shock or helps light bulbs. Consciousness is infinitely greater than inertness. Similarly human electricity outshines material electricity. Vital force electricity of the human body is infinitely more purified and sensitive.

Nobel Laureates like Hodgkin, Huxley and Eckels have conducted research studies on electrical impulse that is at work in human nerve networks. According to the data put forth by them nerves are like wires that transmit electricity continuously. If this coiled nerve network is straightened and place in a single line it will measure more than 0.1 million miles. It is worth mulling over the fact that how gigantic a measure of electricity is required to function such a program that uses a machine which functions in such a widespread region.

If one bodily part like the brain is analyzed independently then it will possess 1 billion neurons. In it each one is in contact with about 25 thousand other nerve cells.

Regarding the light aura surrounding the human body a lady parapsychologist Eileen Garret in her book ‘Awareness’ writes about her research studies. In it she has described the presence of an electrical aura around the body. She believes that the changes taking place in colors and manifestations of this aura correspond to reactions of the rise and fall of one’s thinking. Soviet scientist Kirlian has photographed this aura and has said changes take place in it. These aura changes are looked upon not merely as thought oriented but as bodily health based changes too. On its basis the causes of diseases hidden in the recesses of the body too have been determined. In these types of experiments the chief of Moscow Medical Institute Pavlov Kone attained great renown and for diagnosing diseases he said study of one’s bodily aura is of great utility value.

This aura is said to be synonymous with the subtle body. Its scientific terminology is called ‘The Biological Plasma Body’. In the research studies of Kazakhstan’s Kirov University it has been mentioned that there should be no problem in looking upon the energy body of this aura as a mass of activated electrical atoms but what should be added to it is that along with them there is the existence of bacteria and microbes. When its existence is in the form of an admixture it becomes a self managed and well designed unit. In it is present its potential of creation, imbibing and transmission.

Once a Bolon’s material scientist during research studies saw that from the leg of a frog electricity was being emitted and as a result the muscles of the frog were getting excited. On the basis of this scientific data Forli resident Dr Matuchi has unearthed a lot of data wherein he says that when muscles contract and relax electrical flow is generated. As a result it was found that in the inner centers of the body reside hidden vault of electricity. Along these lines the English scientist Walter conducted deep research which benefitted the world of medical therapy and cure a great deal.

The human body definitely oozes with speedy waves of electricity. This fact appeared in our midst when at first in 1869 in the 1st volume of France’s ‘Medical Times and Gazette’ doctors put forth their research findings. In the household of Lyons a child was born. When the child turned 7 months old his family members complained that when they touched the baby’s body they got an electrical shock. Till the child turned 10 months old the situation worsened wherein it was becoming difficult to even go near the child. Many valiantly tried to look after the baby but alas they experienced an electric jolt. As a result of the shock they would fall down. Ultimately the child died. Ten seconds before dying from the child’s body manifested a light blue aura and although the doctors photographed it they failed to analyze it aptly. When the child died there was no heat in the body and no electric shock. This proves that there is energy similar to human vital electricity which may manifest as a result of the food we eat or due to some extra terrestrial space medium. Yet what is definite is that this electricity helps in life’s functioning and imbibes consciousness. As long as we do not understand it properly the true importance of human life cannot be unfolded despite the fact that science progresses by leaps and bound.

Prof. Heraldwar of Neuro Academy of Yale University has proved that every creature is surrounded by an ‘electro dynamic’ veil. It is because of this that its’ conscious potential can be sent outside and it can imbibe external influences within. Ahead of this within the field of research of this electrical covering a scientist Leonai Rovings proved that this is not an iron covering but that due to the influence of the brain it can be rendered light weight, heavy, deep, superficial etc. Its functional capacity can be increased or decreased.

Entire world’s knowledge is called ‘Universal Memory of Nature’. This has been discussed in the ‘Book of Life’. In it is elucidated the history of the commencement of world consciousness up till today. It can be understood akin to a gigantic library of micro films of the world. At a gross level it cannot be known where the writings are recorded but specialists can search as to in which area of which drawer of the cupboard’s collection what has been kept. In order to master this skill intellect based science has to be studied. This methodology in their own way can be evolved by a modern material scientists and a self realized person. It is possible to achieve this via meditation, concentration and austerities and the same can be attained via experiments of Parapsychology which are today imbibed by specialists in this field.

In the material arena the importance of various known and unknown streams of electricity are being understood after cogitation. We can definitely say that in comparison to the benefits accruing due to its influence in future time greater achievements will be got. In the same way there is a high possibility of understanding the varied utility value of human electricity. Modern science is alertly involved in this field and most definitely shall benefit a great deal too.

Biologists from Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Poland are taking special interest regarding man’s Extra Sensory Perception/Powers or ESP. in the past 30 years they have reaped astounding success. Now topics of research like seeing far off scenes, focus of thoughts and predicting future events have become the thing of the past. To it is conjoined a new chain called ‘psychokinesis’. This big word means the capacity of thought energy to influence and render mobile various objects. Just as with the help of fire or electricity the nature and mode of usage of objects can be changed i.e. they can also change places in the same way there is also the possibility that with the help of special stature electricity flow found in humans we can influence the level of consciousness. From this not only benefits related to advancement of ESP will accrue but that a lot of help will be available to overcome physical and mental diseases.

Russian parapsychologists Komenski and Karl Nikolayev while giving information unearthed after deep research say that there are those rare people who can feel far off experiences and yet if special efforts are made these experiences can become that much more clear and well advanced. Regarding this details of research were mentioned in a magazine called Consomals Kaya Pravada.

In comparison to other creatures of this world the designing of the human body is rare and extraordinary. The designing of hands amongst the organs of action is such with the aid of which many sculptors can amass great skills. The eyes do not merely see things but that the light emitted by it can influence and attract others.

The brain by itself is a rare electrical center. Up till now only powers of the intellect and psyche were praised yet today those flows are being unearthed that have the power to influence and gain knowledge of a very gigantic all pervasive area. If only the importance of soul existence is felt deeply and that we immerse ourselves in unfolding, creating and augmenting it then so much can be achieved which in comparison to attainments of the material arena to date is not superficial but is very profound.

In the hermitages of men/women of great penance it has been seen that violent and non violent creatures like lion, cows etc coexist peacefully. In great leaders this quality is seen. Their magnetic personality influences the lay public and hence the latter follow in their footsteps. If this influence is superficial the mesmerized person in a very short time gets liberated from that influence so as to regain his/her original mental state. Yet is there is profundity in the influence the inner state will become that much more permanent. Such radiantly talented people are found in every field of life and are known to influence their fellow men. Even dacoits get such allies and when they are opposed they pound the opposition to pulp. In beauty and handsomeness the body appears well shaped and alluring and others naturally experience a magnetic pull towards it. Such attraction is found in dancers, right up to innocent children which perforce attracts the psyche of those who come in contact with them. Behind this magnetism there is no deep cause because that influential energy of the aura of a person is at work so that the person coming in contact it with perforce gets attracted.

The aura of a person surrounds the entire body of a person. Its functioning is less intense near the feet and as its covering rises upwards in our body it is rendered that much more widespread. When it reaches the brain region its power is most intense. Just as a plum fruit’s lower part is thin and the upper region is fat similarly is spread out the aura in our body. Its measure of thickness is about 3-7 feet.

Astronomers know that there are various stars in interstellar space whose light takes thousands of years to reach our planet earth. It could be that there is a star that died thousands of years previously and yet if its light had already started traveling towards earth it will appear that it will continue to shine for the next certain thousands of years despite the fact that it had died quite a while back. Light travels with the speed of 0.1 million 86 thousand miles per second. Its speed is not faster than this yet man’s mind runs even faster than this. It takes quite a few days for rockets to reach the moon yet the mind can reach there in a second. It must be noted that mind is not mere imagination but that since it is conjoined to conscious energy it becomes a powerful principle like light and carries out those very tasks which are executed by heat, magnetism and other such forces of interstellar space.

If one goes beyond the speed of light so that one’s conscious energy defeats the former and reaches that area where light waves that have been emitted 1000 years previously have not reached then doubtlessly all incidents of contemporary times can be seen tangibly as though they have taken place in the present times. Ere our powerful unconscious electrical center renders our meditative consciousness so potent that speed of light lags behind then there is no reason to doubt that we can visualize events and people of the distant past. Not only this those great people who thousands of years previously have shed their mortal coil, with their ethereal body full of divine aura that is present in interstellar space we can establish a bond and we can accrue those very benefits attained by contacting them in their live physical bodies. A person successful as mentioned above can listen to the Bhagwad Gita uttered by Lord Shri Krishna just as Arjun had heard it 5000 years ago directly from the hallowed lips of Shri Krishna. That very Shrimad Bhagwat discourse given to King Parikshit by Shukdevji can be heard by us today after thousands of years. It will be least difficult to hear Yoga Vasishtha as told to Lord Ram by Vasishthaji. All Lilas or divine sports of Shri Krishna and Lord Ram can today be seen exactly as it was visualized previously. Rishis who knew the past, present and future had mastered this science and they could unearth and know so many things. Not only this but these revered seers had the power to change events that were to take place later in future. The proof of all this can be found in various religious/spiritual texts and Puranas or mythology. These attainments can be accrued I future times too.

A divine sighted person can see and understand various incidents taking place today in various parts of the world. They can hold dialogues and communicate various messages too. Not only this if such a person has some inspirational and useful potential he/she can help benefit others by inspiring them. But for this, what is most required is that a person must undergo intense spiritual practice and austerities so as to amass terrific soul force and energy. If we so desire like the wealth pertaining to the body, mind etc we can manifest glories pertaining to soul power too and on its basis we can render our human magnetic pull and divine aura so potent that in desired measure we can influence other people and objects and that we can thus succeed in every field of life.


By itself, the human body can be called a statue of blood, flesh etc, a toy of clay or an admixture of the 5 great elements. The gist of all this is that when the body faces strife it can be destroyed too yet if we cogitate over its underlying existence it can be proved that it is very powerful like atomic energy. Its potentials are infinite. This human body possesses the seed of the entire cosmos. The seeds of all energies unfolded in the cosmos or those that shall be unearthed in future are present in the human body (microcosm) in such a way if anyone can attract and imbibe it can be easily converted to a full blown tree.

Shining energy present in blood, flesh of cells maybe tiny like a lit match stick but is it is lit aptly and is utilized for desired wholesome ends it can be seen manifesting akin to a terrific forest fire. When a tiny atom gets an opportunity to exhibit its power it can shatter planet earth and that the skies start trembling. The human body does not simply possess energy that is at work in the material world but that it also possesses conscious divine light and that its potency is n times infinitely greater. If only it is generated and manifested, one can visualize its miraculous results. Man’s body oozes with Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers.

Let us seriously take a look at the layers of skin present on our body. It’s designing and functioning is so sensitive, subtle, intricate and powerful. In 1 square feet of the skin dwells about 72 feet long network of nerves. In this very area can dwell 12 feet long blood vessels. When it is required that bodily heat be emitted outside they spread out and when cold is experienced the inner heat is not allowed to go outside as a result of these contracting and thus the body is kept warm.

In the skin of the entire body reside about 0.2 million sweat glands. From this is emitted perspiration of the body which contains dangerous elements of the body. If we avoid taking a bath sweat dries up on the skin forming a layer and due to its poisonous nature not only is foul smell emitted but that skin diseases like boils, itching, allergy etc manifest. Chief amongst skin diseases is leprosy. In this world there are about 0.5 million lepers and amongst these 0.26 millions are in India itself.

The skin superficially appears to exist in a straight line but within it are so many separate units that one is amazed as to how so many things dwell in it. In 1 square centimeter of skin dwell 5 oil glands, 10 hair, 0.3 million cells, 4 heat sensitive organs, 200 muscles that identify pain, 25 touch cells, 4 bald muscles, 3 thousand touch cells, 100 sweat glands and 3 feet blood carrying vessels. All these have their specific functions and they are so wondrous that in comparison to this designing of the skin all man-made technology appears pale.

Look at the muscles oozing from the skin. They appear disgusting yet every iota of it oozes with power/energy. One simply is mind boggled by all this. Ones strength is measured via sports, wars, competitions and so on. The measure of how one is strong or weak is thus unfolded. Where does this strength dwell? From where does it manifest?

Our muscles which are the fount of bodily energy are involved in functions like relaxation, contraction, giving strength etc. When it is powerful man too is labeled strong in many ways. When in wrestling, running, swimming etc various feats are exhibited by the body it must be called the miracle of healthy muscular network. If muscles are loose they lose their potency and thus it becomes difficult to walk, stand up, digest food etc.

Muscles can be classified in 3 ways: a) these are made of very fine thin fibers and it carries out functions of walking, eating laughing etc. These become active only when it receives commands from the brain. b) These carry out tasks on their own volition. These execute functions like digestion, inhalation, exhalation, blood circulation, opening-shutting eyelids, perspiring etc. c) these muscles have both qualities and get influenced by bio-chemical functions of the body. All three have equal utility value. As a result of the combined action of these 3 we look healthy and strong. If these become weak we get pain. The legs becoming stiff, back ache and pain in the waist region occur because stiffness in the muscles increases alarmingly.

It appears as though the functioning of muscles is very easy and facile. Yet the reality is that the designing and method of functioning of muscles is so intricate that one who conducts research in this field is spell bound. Atomic science, its functioning and nuclear technology is said to be very intricate. While researching into how intricate a method of functioning is imbibed by voluntary and involuntary muscular activities one can only be amazed at the deftness and engineering skills of its creator.

Everyone possesses hands and legs. Then why is that some have more potential and others possess less of it? It is believed that it augments or diminishes based on ones practice. No doubt will power and practice help yet it is the powerful nature of muscles or lack of it that make man strong or weak.

Similar to the function of a stove in the kitchen, boiler or electric motor in a factory is the function of muscles in the body. Due to this heat other organs get the capacity to function. Muscles keep the entire body warm and it itself remains warm. It can be called a heater. It plays an extraordinary role in maintain a bond between the body and mind. The nervous network of the body is found over here too. The body can express laughter, crying, dancing, running, waking and other mental emotions only when our muscles act aptly. When one is attacked by high/low blood pressure or heart diseases know for sure that one of the causes are muscles weakening in those regions. The more this weakness increases the more one is attacked by diseases and maybe death too.

The Nobel Laureate Akar J Jyogi has said that behind the functioning of muscles are at work 2 chemical principles which they have discovered successfully. They are protein sarcton and myosin. They say that the combined action of the 2 help muscles function properly. These protein do not come from outside. They are self produced and will power works a great deal in their production.

From the standpoint of science of nutrition apt measure of protein and carbohydrate is most required for nourishment and nurturing of muscular region. And yet the muscles themselves must initially possess the capacity to imbibe this nourishment. If this is absent such nutrition cannot do much.

When muscles carry out extra tasks they get tired. If apt rest is not got then like a horse who runs more than its capacity they fall off and in the haste to carry out excess work one reaps only losses like a greedy person who prematurely cuts up the tummy of a hen that lays golden eggs. Muscles will remain optimally healthy and mobile only if they are made to work after giving due rest to them.

Some muscles never take rest. The functioning of the heart, brain, digestive tract etc goes on day and night ceaselessly. Right from birth to death they get no holiday even for a minute. This tiredness too is a cause of death. If in between they were to get rest then the life span of a person can increase since the muscles can generate more power and energy.

Why should one dive deep? Why should one contact the conscious level of energy? Even if we analyze only the combined power of skin and muscles it will be crystal clear that its combined form is no less potent than an electric power station.

The root fount of power is energy. Electricity is generated from energy. It is generated by steam, burning coal, via oil/petrol, hydro based power plants etc. These are various results of energy.

One basis of electricity generation is chemical reactions too. Batteries are designed on this basis. Many scientists like Volta, Ampere, Arstead, Faraday and others have made important inventions in this field.

The potential for any technological apparatus and machine to function is called energy. Energy has many levels and stature. Mobile energy manifests due to speed of movement in matter, chemical energy manifests from various chemical reactions and state energy manifests due to the state of objects. There are some materials which possess excess of energy and are called fuels. Energy gets transformed from one type to another yet it can never be destroyed. Transformation of energy is tangibly visible. When chemical materials are ignited electricity in batteries is generated. A cycle moves when we pedal it which means the energy of legs gets transformed into speed and movement of a cycle. When atoms explode nuclear energy manifests. When coal below a boiler is lit energy manifests as heat from fire. Due to steam various trains and locomotives function. With the help of gas various bulbs etc can give light. In the function of steam turbines, fluorescent lamps, heater, generators etc the energy potential of fuel for various ends is rendered active in varied manner. Today heat produced from propane gas, light generators that produce electricity, television etc are applied for small tasks.

When the tips of wires of 2 different types of metal or of an admixture of metals are melted and rejoined or fused and that their ends are placed in different temperatures of heat electrical flow is emitted by them.

When some metals are heated they manifest electrons. If close by there is a cold object these electrons stick to it. Due to this displacement electricity is generated. The central region of displacement is filled with a gas that has positive ions which is called plasma. Plasma is most required to render optimal balance during the onrush of electrons.

Electricity is generated mainly via magnetic hydro dynamics. Its basis is that by rotating metal based movers in a magnetic field electromotive force is produced. If in its place another application is used even then force and power is generated. If in place of metal movers gas based movers or plasma is used and this gas is introduced into a magnetic field then again that very aim of generating electricity is achieved.

If a wire of zinc and that of copper is placed in lemon juice a separation is generated in them and in its paraphernalia electricity manifests. Chemical batteries are known to function on this basis.

The designing of fuel based cells can be called that which never gets depleted. When the energy produced from cells gets depleted the battery too stops functioning. Yet the flow in fuel cells never ends. When hydrogen combines with oxygen water is formed. If these 2 gases continuously combine water formation too will be ceaseless. Over here no external fuel is required. On this basis research is being carried out as to just akin to combining of hydrogen and oxygen or with the mixing of coal, air and petroleum can fuel cells be designed?

In interstellar space travel only fuel cells can be used. Heavy objects cannot be taken in space. Another fount of fuel cell that is being invented is solar heat. Ordinarily we get heat and light from the sun. No doubt it is of utility value but in it on noting those future potentials that dwell one feels instead of falling into tedious tasks like making expensive and dangerous atomic reactors and chemicals one should after attaining energy from the sun look easily after the world’s electricity requirements. In 1 square kilometer of area on earth the sun sheds energy of the value of 1400 watts of electricity. The day man unearths the means to utilize this energy that very day he will generate untold amounts of energy.

In the arena of batteries very soon a new application in the form of nuclear batteries will come into vogue. A hollow spindle will exist all around. In the center will be a pole. On this pole will be raised radio isotopes that emit beta radiations. On the spindle electrons will gather. The pole and spindle will be joined by a wire and electricity flow will manifest.

In principle it has been accepted that both iron electricity and heat-magnetic electricity can be transformed. Today methods are being tried to simplify it. If barium titanate is heated more than 120 degrees centigrade then a transformation is seen in its inner designing. Via machines and technology this method of transformation can be converted into electricity. This is also the basis of magnetic transformation.

The body can be rendered akin to a battery that has been designed with a chemical basis. Its units can be called fuel cells and right till death they remain subtle. As long as life exists the potential of this battery never gets depleted. For space travelers this very fuel is most required. Man is also a space traveler. Leaving his father’s (God) house he has come to this mortal world to carry out important research so as to attain the supreme goal of human life. For sustaining life he requires fuel and gets it clearly from the muscles and skin. Not only this, he has more and more profound founts of energy. In every gross form of this energy this body of the admixture of skin and muscles should be given due importance.

By transferring this bodily energy to conscious creatures they can be benefitted. A small experiment in this field has been carried out by the German scientist Dr Mesmer which was called mesmerism.

The discoverer of mesmerism is Germany’s Dr Frasilkum Antonium Mesmer. He studied medical science in Vienna and attained a degree. He had written a very important paper of his research studies wherein he says that from unknown galaxies a fluid like magnetic material comes to planet earth and we all get influenced by it. If this material’s balance in our body gets shaken then mental and bodily diseases manifest. Only if this balance is made optimal in some way or the other our bad health can be warded off.

This experiment he conducted on some patients and attained success and fame as a result. He would influence an iron magnet with the electricity of his own body and then by touching this magnet to the body of a patient that lack was fulfilled which was the cause of the illness. For this end via the practice of the power of resolve or Sankalpa Shakti he augmented the measure of his will power and required magnetic electricity. In his medical therapy even sweet and blissful music coming from a distance was made use of. This was done so that the patient benefitted from a focused psyche and emotional healing. His therapy and healing method involved augmenting of the measure of electricity in his body and then via the medium of that iron magnet benefit the diseased patient. When it was seen that after this therapy the patients returned smiling many ill people came to Dr Mesmer for a cure of their illness.

Today in USA 17 highly renowned surgeons are using the above magnetic therapy and on the basis of hypnotic science are serving various patients successfully. In order to decrease the pain of giving birth to babies in mothers this therapy has succeeded cent percent. Instead of giving injections of anesthesia it is best to ward off pain via hypnotic methods which is considered best for the patients. For mothers giving birth to babies this therapy is indeed the very best.

Dr Hearthson while operating on his patients uses half anesthesia and half hypnotic methods to render his patients anesthetized. During surgery thus he has decreased the need of anesthesia based injections by 50%. Thus the patients remain semi conscious. Due to the influence of hypnotism the patient remains pain free.

In Cheddar’s Hospital a 4 year old girl was to undergo an operation of the ear. This operation was to last for 5 hours. Under such circumstances giving medicines of anesthesia for 5 long hours could prove dire. Hence they decided to operate her using hypnotic methods. This operation was done successfully. Thus the science of hypnotism as a result of such delicate operations has doubtlessly proved to be of immense value in the field of medicinal cure.

The heart breaking of cancer based pain cannot be overcome by medicines. In cancer our cells multiply abnormally. Those new cells formed cannot function aptly with other cells. Cancer is treated via surgery and radiation therapy. But since there is hardly any therapy to overcome pain that ensue, this lack can be fulfilled via hypnotic science and patients experience a fair bit of relief.

Hypnotism has proved very useful in cases of brain damage, blood pressure, angina, mental illnesses etc. if chloroform is administered to a person with a weak heart it proves to be very dangerous hence in such operations hypnotic methods are applied.

With such therapy Dr Hearthman has not only successfully treated patients but that he has helped people hooked to addictions and bad habits overcome them. Those who thought that since they are drug addicts they will remain so for life have also been cured with such therapy. Bigger children who passed urine in bed while sleeping too were cured.

When the heart contracts the blood pressure is more than 160 mm and while relaxing it is more than 90 mm the blood pressure increases. Under such circumstances more pressure is felt by air protecting cells and more energy is needed to pump and circulate blood. How can this be overcome? Regarding this no other therapy has been proved as useful as hypnotic methods.

Mesmerism’s most renowned therapy involves focusing via power of resolve, of bodily energy produced by muscles and transported by skin nerves or Sankalpa Shakti and with its help overcoming the patient’s pain. But this is just the beginning and certainly not the end. This is merely a minor therapy. In Yoga Tantra branches one finds various methods of application and high stature production of bodily energy. If only we can benefit from this basis or energy fount then man not only himself benefits but can limitlessly benefit many others too.

Life sustains because various bodily organs function smoothly. Everyone knows this obvious fact. Students/research fellows of anatomy even know that in nervous network centers a subtle functioning of unconscious brain too is at work. On its basis and on its own blood circulation, breathing, contraction/relaxation takes place. We are not even aware and in a jiffy digestion and other bodily functions ensue.

Under the waking state the conscious center of the brain gives important directions/commands when the need arises else it is immersed in past memories and future based imaginations and projections. Generally as far as knowledge, intellectual prowess and brilliance is concerned the conscious brain situated in the front part of the brain is at work but with reference to all functions of the body right up to working of the brain the unconscious part is at work.

That method of functioning of the unconscious which in the form of self management renders mobile the body and brain- is called vital energy. It is a mystery that where is the fount of that divine energy which renders active this body? The conscious and unconscious brain is merely its vehicle-medium-instrument. In order to aid functioning of these paraphernalia a potential is used. Hence where is the fount of this infinite storehouse? Today neither anatomists nor physiologists have been able to solve this question. They have so far unearthed only vital energy. Where does it come from, how does it function and why does it increase/decrease? They believe that answers to this question lie well beyond the periphery of their research. IN REALITY WHERE THE BOUNDARY OF MODERN MATERIAL SCIENCE ENDS THERE ITSELF COMMENCES THE SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY.

By itself life force seems to pervade the entire body and on its very basis it is possible to remain alive but yet this life force is not the creation of the gross body. It is an invisible extraordinary energy and the human body attracts from it useful and required measure from interstellar space. This life principle that pervades the entire cosmos is called Prana.

Prana or vital force is present within an individual but it is only a portion of Cosmic Prana. Air dwelling in a closed bottle can be measured appropriately and on the basis of a gross vision it can be accepted that it has an independent existence. Yet it is but part and parcel of cosmic air. In the same way a small portion of Cosmic Prana dwells in each human body and is called life force. When it decreases a person in all respects gets shattered but when it is optimally balanced all bodily functions goes on smoothly. When life force is in excess it can be viewed as strength, power, radiance, will power and brilliant aura. Such people are called Maha Prana. They possess the capacity to transmit their life force into innumerous other people and thus guide world humanity on the path of wholesomeness. Prana must be looked upon as the very substratum of life. Anatomists label this energy fount as nerve network based force which actually is but a small wave or upsurge of Prana Principle.

It is because of vital force or Prana present in the human body that all inner functions take place and the nervous system too is imbued with this Prana. If we wish to unfold the creation, increase and management of forces of the brain like imagination, focus, will, decision, control, memory, intellect etc we must take recourse to Kundalini Science. The unconscious mind is the biggest wonder of this infinite cosmos and it is said to be the central point of all Sidhis and achievements of Yoga.

When Cosmic Prana enters the body it does so via 2 openings called Mooladhar and Sahasrar. When solar energy touches earth its medium of entry are the 2 pole regions. When the vault of electricity has to be transmitted in small machines then in 2 holes of a plug 2 hooks have to be fitted. In order that Cosmic Electric Prana enters to unite with the Human Electric Prana it has to be done via the 2 openings mentioned above viz. Mooladhar and Sahasrar. This energy balance is called Kundalini. Soul science in order to increase-decrease the measure of this Prana as per requirements uses these openings. By understanding this science not only one unearths the root source of life force but that by increasing-decreasing its measure one benefits by apt balance that ensues.

Prana is the collective term used for the union of all visible and invisible objects and energies of the cosmos. It can be called a very subtle and great existence of the world (vital force or energy). Inhalation/exhalation is merely its vehicle and by sitting on it, it enters all our bodily organs and functions so as to render them powerful, well managed and controlled. Heat, light, electricity, magnet etc of the material world can be called manifestation of this vital force. By conjoining to the external and inner psyche gets transformed to will, from will to emotions, from emotions to the soul. Ultimately on uniting with God or Cosmic Soul it becomes the world’s most powerful existence. In a certain sense it can be looked upon as God’s medium or instrument of dutiful tasks.

BİZİM revered Gurudeva ilahi çoxşaxəli KİŞİLİK

29 Sep

BİZİM revered Gurudeva ilahi çoxşaxəli KİŞİLİK




(GREAT YOGI vizyoner SAINT-YUGA RISHI PANDIT Shriram Sharma Acharya)











































İngilis dili ilə TRANSLATED BY




































Fəsil 2


NECƏ MƏNASIZ TƏŞƏBBÜSDÜR IT BODY sağ-salamatdır isə INACTIVE qalmaq üçün!





Fəsil 4




Fəsil 5


Jolt VƏ BÖYÜK DÜNYA ziyalılar oyatmaq üçün SƏYLƏRİ kimi MY BHAGIRTATH






Fəsil 7


Indiki müasir dövrün aid PROBLEMLƏRİNƏ Varchas (ilahi POWER) Və həllər tapmaq əldə




TƏTBİQ 5 NÖVLƏRİ həyata keçirilməsi üçün BEŞ POTENTIALS OR imkanları


Fəsil 9


BU PRESENT müasir dövrdə baş verən GRAND nəsil artımına




DÜNYA truces ilham mənbəyi GREAT XOŞMƏRAMLI based düşüncə hopdurmaq insanlar










Fəsil 13


Təklik MY günümüzə FİZİKİ GROSS BODY’S LONE mənəvi təcrübə




5 VIRBHADRAS TƏBİƏT (incə ilahi ORQANLARI) və RELATED hazırlıqları


Fəsil 15


Qorxun DÜNYA HALLAR DARK CLOUDS PLANET YER ÜZÜNDƏ aşağı yağış yol verilmir







BÜTÜN PLEA: MƏNİM RƏSMİ Həyatımın bütün detallarını mənə verməyə məcbur etmir




YUGA RISHI Shriram Sharma Acharya müdafiə elmi mənəviyyat




IT OLDU Kİ Prana enerji çürüməz Vault OLDU MƏNƏVİ axtaran şəxsiyyəti


Fəsil 20


Bizim revered Gurudeva’S TAPAS və ya mənəvi austerities hər nəfəs qədər dolu HIS


Fəsil 21


Bizim revered Guru ilahi ağıl qeyd-şərtsiz sevgi və şəfqət ilə FORTH kənarlı


Fəsil 22




Fəsil 23


Bizim revered Gurudeva yazılarında A BLOOMING ZAVODUNUN FIRM köklər kimi QALDI


Fəsil 24


KİMİN İSƏ Yazılar SACRED həssas hisslər və ya BHAVASAMVEDANA lil bu dövrdə’S Vyas Maharshi,





Fəsil 26


BU ERA böyük mütəfəkkir A SUPER ilahi intellekt ilə imbued


Fəsil 27


Qiymətli “jewels” ilə bəzədilmiş BÜTÜN DÜNYA Gayatri Ailə TƏSİS A yaradan


Fəsil 28


Bu nəhəng WORLD FAMILY SACRED həssas hisslər və ya BHAVASAMVEDANA təbliği VIA yaradılmışdır


Fəsil 29


İlahi insanlar tapas və ya mənəvi austerities PRİNSİPLƏRİ ÜZRƏ sərinləşdirici yeni TƏDQİQAT VIA qəliblənmiş EDİLDİ




Hopdurmaq üçün sadə Sadhana və ya mənəvi təcrübə PRİNSİPLƏRİ GÖSTƏRİLƏN BÖYÜK YUGA RISHI








A İlahi psixoloq və psixiatr şəklində bizim revered Gurudeva YUGA RISHI Shriram Sharma Acharya




Izləmək asan Sadhana və ya mənəvi təcrübə prinsiplərinin göstərmişdir YUGA Rishi OF ilahi mövcudluğu


Fəsil 34


A BRIGHT WORLD gələcəkdə ilahi MƏDƏNİYYƏT BENT ON girir OF Rəbbin ilahi varlığını ölməz


Fəsil 35












Revered Gurudeva daxili ilahi şəxsiyyət (reverently və affectionately adlanan) Bütün Dünya Gayatri Ailə təsisçisi və dini sistemi vasitəsilə dünya insan ağıl sanctifying üçün Yajna yaxın onun bütün həyat sərf biri belə çoxşaxəli mərkəzi oldu Onun böyüklüyü haqqında yazmağa çalışarkən, şam atmaq və parlaq günəşi göydə işıqlandırmaq kimi çalışır. Əgər heç ətraflı danışılmamış penance keçirildikdən sonra Yugavyas yaxın belə yazılar vasitəsilə bizə çox həssas hiss əsasında mənəvi fəlsəfə nəsib etdi bizim revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya fəaliyyətini mümkün olur, dünya alimlər yalnız ağıl kimi boggled almaq edilir necə tək bir insan vasitəsilə bu cür işıqlı dünya vəzifələri qətiyyətlə müvəffəq ola bilər. bir rezin band kimi genişləndirilməsi vaxt idarə əsasında intizam vasitəsilə 80 il onun həyat span belə böyük oldu və ya Sidhi və ya onun Super Enerji Gayatri mənəvi austerities uğur, hər kəs daxil tədqiqat istəsə belə bir neçə il onu minir idi ki, .

Bu, onu və onun müqəddəs nectari qələmə aldığı faktiki olaraq qeyri-mümkün bir yer revered Gurudeva bütün həyat proqramında bir araya vəzifəsi, onun qələmə aldığı bütün ədəbiyyat, ona bağlı təcrübələrini, yazdığı məktublar, aforizmlər yaxınlaşır ki,


29 Sep



When poison is worshiped as though it is nectar and when everyone yearns to attain it, transformation becomes very difficult. When loss is thought to be beneficial and since it becomes difficult to deeply understand benefit and is instead looked upon as a loss then to correct erroneous understanding becomes very difficult. In ancient times at least beliefs were true. People walked on the royal path then but today things are topsy-turvy. Those people who have gone astray think them selves correct and ask others to follow their ways. Immediate benefits have become the be all and end all of life. No one has anytime to think of the repercussions one will face later. To execute vile actions even time, effort, daring etc is required. Without daring one cannot even loot someone. Danger has definitely to be faced by one who acts despicably. No less dire situations have to be faced by one who acts criminally yet one fails to understand why there is a widespread belief today that those who imbibe truth and goodness always reap losses. According to them lowliness only is beneficial. It is seen that those who act criminally make handsome profits. Such people do not understand that farsighted thinking is required wherein profits that accrue due to criminal/vile activities result in addictions to drugs etc, ill fame and that ultimately such undesirable fruits are faced that ones friends relatives etc too face a harsh downfall and defeat. It seems as though people who run after this mirage or who like deer run after musk are virtually dying out of tiredness and wrath. Success earned via tainted means may not immediately manifest danger but sooner or later such dire situations have to be faced that it becomes difficult to escape them. But what can one say or do about those who are very shortsighted and have no time or inclination to think farsightedly? Ahead there are so many boulders and craters which one is unaware of. If one falls in this pit once no one will give a helping hand and while cursing everyone one will face fearful death. In these days this is what is seen. Devoid of ethics, success gained due to modern science has created such a delusion that people walk on the tainted path and ultimately face downfall. If the trend is going to remain thus man and world society will reap such dire results which will be very difficult to ward off. So called development and progress will prove to be more expensive than regression.

Who should be blamed for problems, undesirable elements, mockeries that have entered in every field of life? And where should one look for a solution? Regarding this one can grossly say that materialism born in the womb of tangible proof refuses to accept the utility value and need of ethics, ideals etc. Such erroneous thinking proclaims that only that which is tangibly proved and as a result which gives immediate benefits will be imbibed. Only that which reaps immediate material benefits will be accepted. Over here high ideals like ethics, good will, generosity, self control etc have no place. This philosophy of tangible proof has encouraged man to behave in an unruly willful manner. That tradition has been shattered which lauds human glory asked mankind to imbibe self control and give up despicable thinking and activities.


Comforts may seem pleasurable. Time and again it may be required. But even this fact must be realized that without mutual faith, good will, cooperation, imbibing ethics etc sensitivity and love for one another will not manifest and hence without all this we will not benefit others. One should always imbibe justice and material comforts that accrue from unwholesome activities must be shunned. Without this peace will not prevail everywhere.


If we study the history of past 100 years it becomes clear that so called progress has given hardships to majority of people. Science can successfully say that it has augmented material comforts yet in the soul/peace arena it has failed miserably. One can say that many revolutions have taken place in many arenas but can we say that we have attained ultimate long lasting bliss and joy?


29 Sep



The root source of all Divine Energies is Savita. In Shatpath Brahmana it is said: Savita va devanam prasavita. It means Savita is the Prasavita of all demigods. Prasavita means creator. Consciousness conjoined to cosmic Divine Light is Savita. The gross symbol of its conscious light form is the sun. From Savita, demigods are created. It is as though they are rays of that conscious sun:

Ete vai vishwe deva rashmayaha.

………………….. SHATPATH BRAHMAN 2/3/1/6)


Demigods means full of radiance. Hence they must be seen as conscious rays. In a very natural way these conscious rays are an infinite mass of energy.


Fire full of vital force is Aditya. Meaning, Aditya is a group of waves that get vital force from cosmic Prana energy. This conscious light is an energy based extension of wave particles. This is called Savita. It is cosmic energy based conscious light. That existence’s Adhibhautik (material) form is sun, its Adhidaivik (demigod) form is Aditya and Adhyatmik (spiritual) form is sun. Hence in spiritual parlance Savita is called cosmic conscious energy. From it various streams of Divine Energies, radiations etc spring forth. These conscious energies are called Deva because they are full of radiant light. Savita is the center and substratum of all these Divine Powers.


Savita’s material aspect’s gross basic unit is the atom. The nucleus of the atom is the polar region. In the atom there are various statures of electrons. In the same way right from Bhuloka to heaven there are 7 Mandals whose names are: Pravah, Avah, Udvah, Sanvah, Vivah, Parivah and Paravaham. These Mandals in reality are 7 levels of life electrical flow. These are the 7 Devalokas.


There are 7 types of chief radiation energies in the cosmos:


1)      Cosmic radiation energy

2)      Paracosmic radiation energy

3)      Visible light radiation energy

4)      Constant radiation energy

5)      Radio energy

6)      X-rays

7)      Gama rays


Divine Powers that direct/control radiation energies in the cosmos are called Deva or demigod. In spiritual scriptures the strength of consciousness is called vital force. In Shrutis demigods are said to be vital force in nature. From this it is crystal clear that Deva is nothing but active conscious vital force in the form of light. They are also called light in form.


As per energy and nature there are many classes of these conscious vital forces. Hence there are many classes and groups of demigods. The root source of all radiation energies is the sun. The creator consciousness of all demigod existences is Savita or sun. Akin to the above mentioned 7 radiation energies there are 7 predominant Deva Ganas viz.


1)      Vishwedeva (first Gana)

2)      Vishwedevaa (second Gana)

3)      Aditya Gana

4)      Rudragana

5)      Vasugana

6)      Marudgana

7)      Sadhya Devgana

The scriptural name of conscious energy that controls Cosmic Radiation Energy is called Vishwedeva. The conscious energy that controls very subtle cosmic radiations that come from the unknown areas of interstellar space is called Vishwadevaa. Paracosmic radiation energy is a vital force flow controlled by the second class of Vishwa Devaa. In Vedas 2 classes of Vishwedevas have been outlined. In one class there are 13 Vishwedevas. In the second class there are 21.


The visible radiation energy is a flow controlled by Vedic Aditya demigods’ conscious power. These Aditya Devas number 12. At the level of constant radiation energy is active conscious energy and the controller of radio radiation energy is cosmic conscious energy which is the Vasuganas. The controller of sharp X-rays is Marudgana and at the root of more subtle Gama rays is cosmic consciousness and is controlled by Sadhya named supreme stature Devaganas.


Savita is the fount of all these demigod based existences. Apart from these chief Devaganas there are other demigod based forces which flow from Savita. Demigods are masters and friends of time/death because they are light in form and possess speed of light and ceaseless mobility akin to photon units.


Yasmadarvaksam vatsarohobhihi parivartate.

Taddeva jyoshyam jyotirayurho pasatemritam.

………………. VRA. U. 4/4/16


MEANING: As a result of the wheel of time that Sanvatsar program which persists day and night their light nature demigod in the same way repeats it. Time moves with the speed of light. Hence the life span of demigods remains balanced. They keep drinking vital force nectar which has conquered time.  


In reality just as all objects dwell in space in the same way vital force pervades time. Hence it is called the soul of time. The speed of time is that of light. The speed of light is called divine speed too. The speed of demigods is divine and hence they move in tandem with time so as to become immortal. Conscious energy is imperishable and beyond deterioration.


The word Deva (demigod) means brilliant like light. Radiant conscious energy is called demigod existence. This conscious energy is an imperishable limitless vault of power. Along with the 7 chief demigods mentioned previously exists other 4 major demigods called: Indra, Ashwinikumaras, Mitra and Varuna. Thus there are 11 chief demigods.


Amongst all demigods Indra is looked upon as the eldest and most powerful:


Indra evam jyeshtho……..atishtho va induhu.

………………… SHATPATH BRAHMAN 5/2/7/6


In the Shatpath Brahman it has also been said that Indra defeated Vritra.


Vritro hava………tamindro jaghanam.

………………… SHATPATH BRAHMAN 1/1/3/4 and 5



Vritra was a demon and a symbol of negative energy flow. It has also been said that he covered everything between Dyloka and earth and hence the name Vritra. From this it can be understood that, that energy level between the atomic nucleus and its external stature has negative energy which is a minor symbol of Vritra energy. Or they are the non moving neutron particles present in the atomic nucleus. Its energy is a symbol of Vritra. The negative energy of units present in the Ionosphere too is a symbol of Vritrasura. Hence ions or electrically charged particles that create clouds are controlled by Indra’s power. In Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Indra is said to be a bird. Hence it must be active conscious energy at the level of wave energy. When Vritra was defeated by Indra, Marut played surrounding them as mentioned below:


Maruto ha vai kridino vritram hanishyantamindrama gataha.

    ………………… SHATPATH BRAHMAN 2/5/3/20


From all these comparisons it is clear that Marut are Beta radiation’s consciousness and Indra is active conscious energy at the level of Alpha radiations. Artificial bombarding of any elements like radium/uranium results in the manifestation of Alpha radiations in the form of waves by piercing the atom’s energy levels. At that time even Beta radiations emerge. Due to the attack of Alpha radiations the immobile nucleus too breaks apart which is but the symbol of attack on Vritra. Amongst the root particles Alpha particles are biggest and most energetic. If vital force of the   root particles are called band of demigods then Alpha radiations are their King called Indra. It must be remembered that demigods are not themselves any radiation/particles. The root particles are vehicles of demigods. The cosmic conscious energy that control these particles are called demigods. Thus the cosmic conscious energy of Alpha particles is King of demigods Indra. The demigods have no definite material shape because they themselves define shape. The demigods are either vital force or consciousness in form. Alpha particles are ionic form of helium element. All other elements have been created via the various combinations of helium nucleus. This then is the multifaceted cause or Maya of one element. It is said:


Indro mayabhihi pururupam iyate.



MEANING: Due to Maya (power of illusion) Indra became many forms.


This is a description of of the methodology of creation of various elements via union of the world’s supremely large particle. Alpha particles which are found in helium’s nucleus itself manifests as various chemical elements. This is also the belief of modern material scientists.


The 2 valiant arms of Indra are Mitra demigod and Varun demigod:

Indrasya vaha viryakrito bahuhu.

Mitra Varunauhi bahu.

…………………… SHATPATH 5/3/5/27


Alpha particles are root particles. Hence it is a unit. Alpha particles are controlled by cosmic neutrons. Protons have charges and the bondage based attraction of electrical charge is cosmic Varuna’s material form of bondage. This is because Indra’s arm that formed Varuna’s bondage energy is very well known. Neutrons have no charge and no object can attract it. This neutral force is Mitra’s material manifestation. Mitra demigod is a friend of all. He is foe of none. He never hurts anyone but when demigods attacked Vritra, Mitra too followed suit so as to become Indra’s attacking arm. Attacking neutrons destabilize the atom’s nucleus. At that time the nucleus explodes and 2 small nuclei are formed. At that time bondage free protons and attraction free neutrons come out. In this manner in both these small nuclei, lesser neutrons exist than in the initial parent nucleus. As per the methodology described in Shatpath this Mitra attains a state devoid of beasts (bondage). At that time the demigods after mixing milk in Soma juice induced Mitra to conjoin to beasts. Neutrons dwell side by side with protons in the atom. Meaning Mitra cannot be conjoined to beasts without Varuna. Soma is Varuna’s food and Mitra’s is milk.


The material form of Varuna energy is hydrogen’s nucleus. Hydrogen is the predominant element of water. Varuna is the deity/demigod of water. In the designing of the bodies of all creatures including mankind a major role is played by Varuna beast or electrical charge. From the living being standpoint Varuna deity energy is most required. But in the high stature practice of Yoga and in the upward flowing vital force of the Sushumna this very electrical charge of the body is an obstruction. Hence Vedic Rishis pray to Varuna to ward off bondage.


Ashwini Kumara deity is 2 brothers. They are bedecked with the quality of expansion/transmission. These 2 deities are representatives of Vishwedevas and are protector of nectar.


Yau devanam bhifajau havyavahau.

Vishwasya dutavamritasya gaupau.

………………… TAITERIYA BRAHMAN 3/1/1/11


In the Taiteriya Brahman it is also said that these 2 protect radiation ray’s body, transmit energy and all Ganas invoke all demigods via its medium. From this it is clear that the level of electrical magnetic energy active consciousness is Ashwin. The 2 units of electrical magnetic energy waves are Ashwinikumaras which encompasses the activity of the duo of electrical energy and magnetic force. The gist of all rays is the 2 electromagnetic unit. Thus all demigods merge into the duo of Aswinikumaras. The demigod existences number 11 viz the initially described 7 demigod Ganas and later described 4 demigods in which Ashwini too are included. Again and again we have clarified that demigod existences are conscious energies. The material particles and waves are only their vehicles. Thus they are called vehicles of demigods.


All these conscious energies are Shruti creation of Prajapati or creator. Its total mobility is 3 fold. The 3 root characteristics of demigod existence are light, activity and state. Hence there are only 3 root energies and they are called Trideva or Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. In the Rigaveda with reference to these energies it is said: “Traya ekadashasaha devaha”. These are the 3 root demigods and 11 Vishwadeva. Ultimately from super vital force Savita all these divine energies manifest. Hence Savita is the supreme icon/deity meant for worship. That super vital force divine light by scattering its rays circulate Prana. In the form of divine brilliance the cosmic consciousness Savita/Gayatri is the beloved icon of all devotees. It is the fount of life.


The visible sun is Savita deity. It can be seen to rise by the eyes. People benefit from its light and warmth ceaselessly. At night the sun by becoming the moon shows us its transformed brilliance. The sun is the soul of all creatures and plants. As a result the state of water, land etc is such that life sustains on earth. It is sun that converts sea water into steam and clouds which pours as rain. On the basis of water, living beings and objects are created, propagated and destroyed. Hence it is called a tangible mass of consciousness. Great thinkers have worshiped it by naming it Almighty God.


With reference to worship sun is called Savita and Savita’s energy is called Savitri. Savitri means Gayatri. It is the Primal Energy and Super Divine Intellect. Shaktivakdevi is the presiding goddess of Mantra Science, it is Mantra thought and inspirer of discrimination. It represents Ojas/Tejas/Varchas or Divine Light. Word itself is knowledge. Via writings and speech it is worshiped. On the basis of word man becomes wise. Otherwise there is no doubt that he would remain a human monkey. Savita is called light and discrimination. Its divine power is called speech. In ordinary applications it is used as conversations but in higher roles it becomes the Energy of Mantras. The life force of Mantra Science is embedded in Super Mantra Gayatri. Savitri includes both spirituality and materialism. Hence it called Bala and Atibala. In mythological tales this one power is called Dwidha. They are God’s consorts called Para and Apara. In Indian philosophy 2 aspects exists viz. knowledge and science. It has evolved in creation existence. In the existence arena it rules supreme. It is none other than Mahadeva.


In ancient times when people developed faith in deities the first image reinstated was that of sun. It is tangible and visible. By offering it water it can be easily worshiped by all. Its time of rising and setting is called Sandhya and one must bow down to the sun at that time. This then is the eternal Vedic wealth. Indian philosophy worships Savita. The aura seen around other deities show that the divinity of demigods evolved under the tutelage of Savita.


In those days when spirituality was first worshiped first the sun was given importance. In those regions where civilization advanced Savita was used in worship. Archeological sciences have dug up many signs of ancient civilization and there solar images predominate. They are round in shape and have an aura. Later the human face too was etched on it.


As long as various sects had not come into being till then human belief had adhered to Sanatan Dharma or eternal religion and the sun was the icon of all for worship. The thought of Trivedi came up after noting the 3 fold potential of the sun viz. mobility, aura and energy. These then are the 3 goddesses. In the form of Triveni or 3 legs this is the pilgrim spot union.


In the archeological temples unearthed, solar images predominate. In the symbols of ancient civilizations sun is inseparably conjoined to them. In temples etc solar images are very ancient. Along with advanced civilizations, it was the presiding deity of high stature respect. In those days temples like Konark of India were constructed wherein India ruled the world.

In Super Mantra Gayatri Indian literature evolved step by step. The focal point of Gayatri is Savita. Mantra energy manifests from it. Suryopsthan in actuality is a methodology wherein in the gross, subtle and causal bodies Tejas or divine aura manifests.


Material Science of modern times has unearthed various mysterious powers that lie in the womb of nature. Where did they come from? On trying to understand this it was found that they were gifts of the sun. Slowly but surely mysterious energies like radio waves, lasers, cosmic rays, ultraviolet rays etc are being unveiled. Also it is becoming crystal clear that the one single fount of all these is the sun.


This energy that appears from the sun is said to be the substratum of inert and conscious objects:


Savita sarva bhutanam sarva bhavashcha suyate.

Sarvanatprernacchaiva savita tena chochyate.


MEANING: It is called Savita because it gives inspiration to all principles, all creatures and all sentiments.


In the above lines Indian spiritual seers have given us a clear understanding of creation science’s material and spiritual mode of functining. Since it is element in nature it is the cause of the mobility or active nature of elements or material objects. Also since it is sentiment and vital force in form it gives all creatures and mankind light and vital force so as to aid sentimental advancement.


The sun is said to be the life force of creation. Life sustains on earth because of the sun. If for merely one day the sun were not to rise a great calamity would occur. The light of sun circulates zest and vital force in all living beings and hence the sun is so important. Yet the sun is not merely a mass of burning fire wherein the mutual activity of hydrogen-helium present in it creates blazing flames and eddies of energy. This is but the sun’s material form. From the deity standpoint it is the controller of thoughts, lord of planets and inspirer of sacred sentiments. It is also the soul of all. Diving deeper its spiritual form is cosmic consciusness or God’s divine light or the super mind light. Sun is one that bestows sacred inspirations.


So far our thinking has not been high, people failed to think deeply else it would be clear that the above observations of Rishis and seers are scientific realities. Those facts/data unveiled by Rishis of yore are today being proved true by modern scientific research.


Of course up till now scientists have unveiled a very small portion and that too only at the gross level. Despite this what ever has been scientifically unfolded is not any less from the standpoint of data given by Indian beliefs.


By it self there are innumerable stars in the sky and they all create their own nuclear energy. And yet they all depend and sustain because of the sun. Every second the sun emits 4.1023 kilo watts of energy (overhere it means a combination of heat, light and electricity). Its inner portion has heat of 0.2 billion degree celcius. There so much movement is seen which is akin to water being sent through a pipe from a big lake to a small pond. At that time at its back and front region water creates intense movements. It is opined that the cause of movement in the central portion of the sun is vital force that enters sun from the Spiral galaxy. This vital force can come from an unknown machine of the cosmos or from a gigantic star. The term ‘Tat savituhu’ also connotes this that sun lights up Savita world. In this part of the sun there are only nuclear particles. There is no type of covering on it. They keep inducing movement in neutrons/electrons and it self gets converted to positively charged protons. As a result materials get transformed; meaning hydrogen gets converted to helium and the energy that is thus created controls world movements. A 1000th portion of it is used by mankind and via the remaining 999th portion Savita deity controls movements of earth like seasons, rivers, mountains, seas, rains etc.


Heat, coal, wood fuel, water, air, electricity etc. present on earth are but transformations of the above mentioned energy. The earth gets only 200 trillion kilo watt energy from the sun. The hydroelectricity station of Neeper is the world’s largest electricity generator. Even if it works day and night it cannot give us the energy given by the sun. Seeing all this we must accept that: ‘Savita ve prasavanamishe’ (Yajurveda). It means that the creator of all is Lord Savita.


This energy is very intense in the solar world and it shows the same influence in all objects. Since the mind/psyche too has this energy mankind has the capacity to establish a bond with the inner core of all materials and can generate in a subtle manner the energy of any object/material. But this science is known only to a few adept Yogis. Hence their actions appear miraculous to the lay person. Now since modern science has accepted the intensity and existence of energy in materials these Sidhis can be imbibed technologically but their psyche based miracles can be attained only via Yoga and worship methods.


For the very first time Albert Einstein gave the world an equation to measure energy present in an atom. It is E=m X c X c. ‘E’ means energy, ‘m’ is the measure of mass in an object and ‘c’ is a constant number which tells us the speed of light (186000 miles/second). This energy is measured in foot pounds. 20 foot pound energy means how much energy is required to raise 10 feet high 2 pounds of weight or how much energy is required to raise 2 feet high 10 pounds of weight. Human race that works regularly emits a certain amount of energy. According to leading scientists world humanity throws 9,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 foot pound energy in 1 year in the sky. Where as this energy can be attained from materials measuring very less. For example helium is extremely light in weight. Its nucleus has only 2 protons and 2 neutrons. The measure according to scientists is 100758 for proton and 100894 for neutron. Thus the weight of 2 protons and 2 neutrons should add up to 201596 + 201788 = 403304 but the weight of helium’s nucleus is only 400279. It means we do not know where the 3/100th portion disappeared. Later it was unveiled as energy.


Scientists found out that a very subtle one portion of of foot pound measurement keeps balanced and steady this world. Ere this miniscule energy erupted then that amount of energy would further erupt, which if even all of world humanity tried to generate would fail miserably in doing so. Thus all objects of the world would be destroyed and would be transformed into hydrogen.


This very energy was measured by Einstein via the equation E=mXcXc. If the measurement of helium given above were to be converted to energy it would be equivalent to 280 lakh electron volt. In materials always one atom will have more atoms. It means that if the energy of any material is exploded 1 neutron will become 2, 2 will become 4, 4 will become 8, 8 will become 16, 16 will become 32 and so on. Thus even the energy will increase. In the 20th generation of explosion it will be 524288 and in the 80th generation it will be more than 1208900000000000000000000. It is difficult to even imagine the amount of energy present at that time. The ebulition of this energy will be seen in in 1 nano-second which is beyond imagination.

Indian spiritual seers had unearthed this data of Einstein thousands of years back:


Tejoyasya virajate sa balwan-sthuleshu kaha pratyayaha.



MEANING: We pray to you, the super strong divine Goddess who is present as energy and light in every gross object to protect and evolve us.


In reality via this energy by establishing a mental bond those Ridhi-Sidhis were generated which appear mind boggling/miraculous to all. And yet they are based on scientific principles.


France’s scientist Yusho tried converting solar energy into machine energy. In Russia too machines were designed and near Brayansk, Tibalis and Tashkent such technological apparatus have been set up which obstruct midway the energy that comes from the sun and which becomes active by pervading materials. This is then converted into machinery energy. This energy is then used for irrigiation, cooking, in bathrooms, laundry etc. There is a high possibility that this energy will compensate for the lack of fuel in various industries. Kundalini awakening via Gayatri worship and Tantra practice invoke, imbibe and evolve this invisible energy of the sun. As a result not only does good health, inner radiance, strength and sacred intellect augment but that those Extrasensory Powers (ESP) advance which amaze people who hence opine that they are but God’s gift.


Along with Japa of Super Mantra Gayatri we are exhorted to conjoin our minds to the solar world. “Aditya mandale vyas taparaya matmanam ayam”. It means meditate on imperishable Almighty Lord in the sun. As a result of meditation the sun’s vital force or energy manifests:


Abhiraditya stapati rashmibhistabhii parjanyobhavati.


MEANING: Those rays via which sun deity burns those very rays are showered by it.


Since the sun and mind is one principle meditation on it results in the sun’s radiance augmenting in the psyche.


Mano vai savita. Prana dhiyaha.

…………………….. SHATPATH 3/6/1/13


MEANING: Mind is Savita, vital force is intellect. The advancement of the sense organs’ gross and subtle energy too takes place via the above energy because they too are related to it.


Etasmajjayate prano manaha sarvendriyani cha.

……………………. MUNDAKOPANISHAD 2/1/3


MEANING: Mind and all sense organs are creation of Prana/vital force.


In the initial portion of Gopath Brahman (7/7/9) vital force and electricity are called sun’s gifts:


Prana eva savita, vidyudeva savita.

This vital force and electricity is the grace of the sun. Thus sun is the fount of all energies and Gayatr-Savitri conscious principle that manifests from the solar world augments progress of mankind. If after understanding it aptly we imbibe it then this energy incarnate Gayatri by making our mind, intellect and psyche sacred can augment our potential infinitely. Thus we will attain joy of both this and the other spiritual worlds.

لإلهية المتعددة الألفاظ ل GURUDEVA المراجع

29 Sep

لإلهية المتعددة الألفاظ ل GURUDEVA المراجع





أصلي يكتب في الهندية








يوتي ريشي بث شهيد شارما أهريا




(مؤسس عائلة غايترى العالمية ، موقع الويب: WWW.AWGP.ORG)












منشورة على الإنترنت












ترجمة الى الانجليزية




MS / HEENA A. KAPADIA (ماجستير ، M فيل)


























الفصل الأول


OUR التبجيل التوبة الروحية GURUDEVA YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM شارما


الفصل 2


كيف هو أن تبقى غير نشطة بينما الجسم هو على قيد الحياة!


الفصل 3


لقد عشت الحياة مع الغائر الأعمى


الفصل 4


طبيعة الطبيعة الروحية والتحويل الداخلي


الفصل 5


MY BHAGIRTATH مثل الجهود المبذولة لهزة وتوقظ مفكري العالم الكبير


الفصل 6


مناشدتي القلبية متواضعة لPERSONALITIES SOUL OF THE WORLD أيقظ


الفصل 7


تحقيق VARCHAS (القدرة الإلهية) وإيجاد حلول لمشكلات تتعلق بهذا ERA الحديث متواجدة


الفصل 8


خمسة احتمالات أو قدرات لتنفيذ الأنواع 5 من التطبيقات


الفصل 9


التدعيم الكبير الذي يحدث في هذه الأوقات الحديثة


الفصل 10


مصدر الإلهام الذي يسبب WORLD البشر تشرب عظيم التفكير GOODWILL مقرها


الفصل 11


اندون ثندربولت الذي قتل الشيطان فيترراسورا


دردشة 12


القدرة الإطلاعية المحتملة التي تسمح بتعزيز القدرات والأمان بشكل كبير


الفصل 13




الفصل 14


THE NATURE OF THE 5 VIRBHADRAS (الهيئات الإلهية الخفية) والتحضيرات المتعلقة بها


الفصل 15


السحب الداكنة OF WORLD حالات خوفا لا يجوز السماح للفأمطر PLANET EARTH


الفصل 16


نشاطي مرئية وغير مرئية


الفصل 17


HUMBLE PLEA: لا يجبروني على تقديم جميع تفاصيل حياتي الروحية


الفصل 18


الروحانية العلمية التي ينادي بها YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA


الفصل 19


كان ذلك PERSONALITY SEEKER الروحية’S التي أصبحت VAULT الخالدة للPRANA ENERGY


الفصل 20


OUR TAPAS التبجيل GURUDEVA أو التقشف الروحية يملأ كل نفس OF HIS


الفصل 21


عقيدة غاروس الإلهية التي أخبرتنا بها بروح من الحب والشفقة غير المشروط


الفصل 22


المحيط من الإرهاق وصورة من الحب الكوني


الفصل 23


كتابات غوروديفا التي علقناها كانت مثل جذور نباتات نبات بلومينغ


الفصل 24


هذا العصر ‘S VYAS MAHARSHI ، التي تعلق عليها الكتابة مع الحواس الحساسة SACRED SENTIMENTS أو BHAVASAMVEDANA.


الفصل 25


سنتان القرن العشرين الأولى


الفصل 26


هذا الفكر العائد لعيد الغراب


الفصل 27


A CREATOR الذين قاموا بإنشاء كل عائلة GAYATRI WORLD ADORNED مع “جواهر” غالية


الفصل 28


تم إنشاء هذه الأسرة العالمية العملاقة عن طريق نشر الحواس الحساسة SACRED أو BHAVASAMVEDANA.


الفصل 29


صهر الأطهار عن طريق تحديث بحث جديد عن مبادئ TAPAS أو الشهود الروحيين


الفصل 30


يوغا ريشي العظيمة التي قدمت مبادئ السادية أو الممارسات الروحية على الطريق إلى IMBIBE


الفصل 31


ودعا شجرة ضخمة بانيان جميع العالم GAYATRI الأسرة


الفصل 32

عراة غوروديفا يوغا ريشي شريم شارما آشاريّا في شكل طبيب نفسي وطبيب نفسي


الفصل 33


الوجود الإلهي لليوغا RISHI التي جعلت من TENETS من السادات أو الممارسات الروحية من السهل متابعة


الفصل 34


الوجود الإلهي للرب ثقافة الغناء الذي ينطوي على استخدام في مستقبل مشرق


الفصل 35


نداء القلبية لAIDES وأتباع بأن LILA بوروشا














كان شخصية الداخلي الإلهي من التبجيل Gurudeva، (بوقار وبمودة ما يسمى) مؤسس جميع العالم غاياتري الأسرة والذي قضى حياته كلها أقرب إلى Yajna لتقديس النفس البشرية العالم عن طريق نظام ديني، مركز من هذا القبيل متعددة الأوجه الأنشطة التي في محاولة للكتابة عن عظمته مثل أخذ شمعة ومحاولة انر الشمس الرائعة الجبار في السماء. إذا من أي وقت مضى يصبح من الممكن بالتفاصيل أنشطة دينا التبجيل Gurudeva يوكا ريشي شيريرام شارما أشاريا الذي أنعم علينا جميعا حساسة للغاية الفلسفة الروحية المشاعر استنادا عبر هذه الكتابات أقرب إلى Yugavyas بعد خضوعه التكفير عن الذنب لا توصف، علماء العالم يجب فقط الحصول على العقل تحير ل كيف يمكن لمثل هذه المهام العالمية المليئة بالنجاح من خلال شخص واحد أن ينجح بشكل قاطع. أصبح له عمر 80 عاما عبر الانضباط أساس إدارة الوقت على توسيع مثل الشريط المطاطي كبيرة جدا أو أنه كان أم سيدهي أو نجاح له سوبر الطاقة غاياتري التقشف الروحية، التي إذا كان أي شخص يرغب في إجراء البحوث عليها أن تأخذه سنوات عديدة .


ومن جيدا تقربا مهمة مستحيلة تقريبا لجمع معا في برنامج الحياة مكان واحد التبجيل Gurudeva بأكملها، وكلها الأدب التي صاغها له والخبرات المتعلقة به، والرسائل التي كتبها له، الأمثال التي صاغها عليه وnectari مقدس

al’iilhiat almutaeadidat al’alfaz l GURUDEVA almarajie





‘asli yaktub fi alhindia




yuti ryshy bathi shahid sharimaan ‘ahria


(umwasis eayilat ghaytraa alealamiat , mawqie alwayb: WWW.AWGP.ORG)






manshurat ealaa al’intrnt






tarjamat ‘iilaa al’iinjlizia


MS / HEENA A. KAPADIA (majstyr , M fyl)














alfasl al’awal

OUR altabjil altawbat alruwhiat GURUDEVA YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM sharmaan

alfasl 2

kayf hu ‘an tabqaa ghyr nashitat baynama aljism hu ealaa qayd alhayaa!

alfasl 3

laqad eashat alhayat mae alghayir al’aemaa

alfasl 4

tabieat altabieat alruwhiat waltahwil alddakhilii

alfasl 5

MY BHAGIRTATH mithl aljuhud almabdhulat lihizat watuaqiz mufakiri alealam alkabir

alfasl 6

munashadatay alqalbiat mutawadieat lPERSONALITIES SOUL OF THE WORLD ‘ayqiz

alfasl 7

tahqiq VARCHAS (alqudrat al’iilhia) wa’iijad hulul limushkilat tataealaq bhdha ERA alhadith mutawajidatan

alfasl 8

khmst aihtimalat ‘aw qudrat litanfidh al’anwae 5 min altatbiqat

alfasl 9

altadeim alkabir aldhy yahduth fi hadhih al’awqat alhaditha

alfasl 10

masdar al’iilham aldhy yusabib WORLD albashar tashrib eazim altafkir GOODWILL maqaruha

alfasl 11

andwn thndrbwlt aldhy qutil alshaytan fytrraswra

durdshat 12

alqudrat al’iitlaeiat almuhtamalat alty tasmah bitaeziz alqudrat wal’aman bishakl kabir

alfasl 13


alfasl 14

THE NATURE OF THE 5 VIRBHADRAS (alhayyat al’iilhiat alkhafia) waltahdirat almutaealiqat biha

alfasl 15

alsahb alddakinat OF WORLD halat khawfanaan la yajuz alsamah lilf’amtur PLANET EARTH

alfasl 16

nshati maryiyat waghayr maryiya

alfasl 17

HUMBLE PLEA: la yujbaruni ealaa taqdim jmye tafasil hayati alruwhia

alfasl 18

alruwhaniat aleilmiat alty yunadi biha YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA

alfasl 19

kan dhlk PERSONALITY SEEKER alruwhyt’S alty ‘asbahat VAULT alkhalidat llPRANA ENERGY

alfasl 20

OUR TAPAS altabjil GURUDEVA ‘aw altaqshuf alruwhiat yamla kulu nafs OF HIS

alfasl 21

eaqidat gharws al’iilhiat alty ‘akhbaratna biha biruh min alhabi walshafqat ghyr almashrut

alfasl 22

almuhit min al’iirhaq wasurat min alhabi alkunii

alfasl 23

kitabat ghurudifa alty ealaqnaha kanat mithl judhur nabatat naba’at biluminigh

alfasl 24

hadha aleasr ‘S VYAS MAHARSHI , alty telq ealayha alkitabat mae alhuas alhassasat SACRED SENTIMENTS ‘aw BHAVASAMVEDANA.

alfasl 25

snatan alqarn aleishrin al’uwlaa

alfasl 26

hadha alfikr aleayid lieid alghurab

alfasl 27

A CREATOR aladhin qamuu bi’iinsha’ kl eayilat GAYATRI WORLD ADORNED mae “jwahr” ghaly

alfasl 28

tam ‘iinsha’ hadhih al’usrat alealamiat aleamlaqat ean tariq nashr alhuas alhassasat SACRED ‘aw BHAVASAMVEDANA.

alfasl 29

sahar al’athar ean tariq tahdith bahath jadid ean mabadi TAPAS ‘aw alshuhud alruwhiiyn

alfasl 30

yugha rishi aleazimat alty qadamat mabadi alsaadiat ‘aw almumarasat alruwhiat ealaa altariq ‘iilaa IMBIBE

alfasl 31

wadaea shajaratan dakhmat banian jmye alealam GAYATRI al’usra

alfasl 32

eurat ghurudifa yawghaan ryshi sharim sharimaan asharya fi shakl tabib nafsi watabib nafsiun

alfasl 33

alwujud al’iilhiu lilyugha RISHI alty jaealat min TENETS min alssadat ‘aw almumarasat alruwhiat min alsahl mutabaeatan

alfasl 34

alwujud al’iilhiu lilrab thaqafat alghina’ aldhy yantawi ealaa aistikhdam fi mustaqbal mushriq

alfasl 35

nida’ alqalbiat laAIDES wa’atbae bi’ana LILA buurusha







kan shakhsiat alddakhilii al’iilhiu min altabjil Gurudeva, (bwaqar wabimawadat ma yusmaa) muasis jmye alealam ghayatry al’usrat waladhi qadaa hayatah klha ‘aqrab ‘iilaa Yajna litaqdis alnafs albashariat alealam ean tariq nizam dini, markaz mn hdha alqabil mutaeadidat al’awjah al’anshitat alty fi muhawalat lilkitabat ean eizmatih mithl ‘akhadh shumeat wamuhawalat anr alshams alrrayieat aljabbar fi alsama’. ‘iidha min ‘ayi waqt madaa yusbih min almmkn bialtafasil ‘anshitat dinana altabjil Gurudeva yukaan rishi shiriram sharimaan ‘ashariaan aldhy ‘aneam ealayna jamieaan hassasatan lilghayat alfalisifat alruwhiat almashaeir aistinadaan eabr hadhih alkitabat ‘aqrab ‘iilaa Yugavyas baed khudueih altakfir ean aldhanb la tusafu, eulama’ alealam yjb faqat alhusul ealaa aleaql tahayr l kayf yumkin limithl hadhih almahami alealamiat almaliyat bialnajah min khilal shakhs wahid ‘an yanjah bishakl qatie. ‘asbah lah eumar 80 eamaan eabr alaindibat ‘asas ‘iidarat alwaqt ealaa tawsie mithl alsharit almattatii kabirat jiddaan ‘aw ‘anah kan ‘ama siudhi ‘aw najah lah subar alttaqat ghayatry altaqshaf alruwhiata, alty ‘iidha kan ‘ayu shakhs yarghab fi ‘iijra’ albihwith ealayha ‘an takhudhuh sanawat eadida .

wamin jayidaan taqraba muhimatan mustahilat taqribaan lijame maeaan fi barnamaj alhayat makan wahid altabjil Gurudeva bi’akmuliha, wukulaha al’adab alty saghaha lah walkhibrat almutaealiqat biha, walrasayil alty katabaha liha, al’amthal alty saghaha ealayh wanectari muqada


29 Sep


A superficial glance tells us that man is a weak creature but from the electric standpoint man is a wondrous and incomparable creation of the Creator. Especially the brain is such a mind boggling center that in comparison to it all scientific technology unearthed by man to date seems pale. It has many magnetic centers that act like receivers and transformers. In the cosmos infinite types of mysterious flows are there within which man knows just about one of them. The more this knowledge expands the more one gets wisdom of its infinite energy and its infinite energy streams. Maybe in comparison to today man attains more and more of this energy he might start competing with the Creator. Despite this what ever will remain to attain will be beyond our imagination. The potentials of the cosmos’ material and conscious aspects are so gigantic that it can be said to be unthinkable, infinite, limitless, beyond mind/speech etc.


It is well known that the Earth gains a lot from the sun, moon and the entire solar universe. On its basis it runs its ‘shop’. Even stars, galaxies etc external to the solar system benefits the Earth a great deal. Because it is lightweight it cannot be gauged by technology yet it cannot be said to be ordinary or mediocre. Just because something is lightweight we cannot mock at it. In fact the truth of the matter is that the more subtle an object is the more weight-age it has from the energy standpoint. Homeopathy School of Medicine with reference to this fact has given some deep and factual insights. Billions of stars/galaxies that exist in the cosmos share together their attainments. It is hence that they are interconnected. Ere anyone of them had selfishly used their attainments for themselves only the entire cosmic management would have gone haywire. And over here we would have seen only clouds of dust moving about here and there. Earth gets many minor/huge gifts from infinite cosmic energy centers and she in turn plays with them joyfully.


Just as Earth accepts gifts from interstellar space so too it contributes to it too. The focal point of the cosmos is nothing but the law of ‘give and take’. A give and take cycle goes on between the Earth and the cosmos. Similarly does it take place between micro (man/individual) and macro (world humanity). The word Pinda used for stars, galaxies etc is used for man also. Man is microcosm and it is related to other infinite conscious microcosms of the cosmos in a way comparable to the sun with the solar system. Man’s consciousness gifts its attainments to cosmic consciousness and from there itself imbibes various potentials too.


On the one hand consciousness pervades every pore of our body yet its root source is the brain. Like the Polar Magnetic Force the brain too has forces of attraction and repulsion. It attains a lot from the cosmos and gives a lot too. These centers are compared to receivers and transformers.

Man’s total personality encompasses health, character, psychic imprints, education etc. On its basis man’s talent unfolds. Talent does not mean just success in various tasks but that it includes the capability of influencing others. In an individual manner this talent can be noted as patience, enterprise, balance, discrimination, farsightedness and gentlemanliness. In ones social life it influences those whom one is related to. They are influenced and attract cooperation, goodwill and reverence. Talent can be augmented with effort. In these efforts are included mundane activities and spiritual practices too. A man executing spiritual practices via his power of resolve (Sankalpa Shakti) and austerities based on devotion to God manifest Extra Sensory Powers (ESP). It is spiritual practices that help awaken latent potentials in the deep cave of the psyche as also imbibing of scattered powerful conscious principles of the cosmos. In whom so ever this special quality augments they have the capacity to perform miraculous feats.


Heart beats are measured via ECG or Electro Cardiogram. In the same way Electro Encephalograph records thought waves that manifest due to the brain’s electrical impulses. From the mind arena based on the level of thought process many types of alpha, beta, delta rays manifest. It tells us about the type of thinking.


There are certain people whose physical frame seems ordinary, their personality also seems ordinary from a gross viewpoint. Despite this there exists so much special electrical energy within them that whatever task they perform it becomes amazing and also they always influence those who come in contact with them.


Which individual has how much Super Human Electrical Force? This can be gauged via aura around their face and divine light that lies scattered in the vicinity of their bodies. This divine aura cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be perceived only by the subtle divine eye. Today there is such technology that analyses electrical energy in the human body and to an extent radiations emanating from there. When we visualize photographs of demigods, goddesses, angels etc a halo is seen around their head region. This is nothing but special human electrical force. It is related to mundane personality and spiritual energy streams.


Dr Charles Farey in his book “Annals of Sciences Psychics” has given a description of the aura around the head of some of his patients. He further elaborates that why and what kind of differences manifest in this aura on becoming ill.


In the Pirano Hospital of Italy doctors with their eyes open had seen a blue colored aura in a woman called Annamonaro. When this light became more intense this woman started perspiring heavily. Her breathing became heavy/fast and heart beats too accelerated. In order to see for themselves this electrical state of the woman biologists, material scientists and journalists from all corners of the globe came there.


The author of the book “Physical Phenomena of Mysticism”, Herbert Thirsten has researched on such Christian mystics/saints whose faces shone with radiant divine aura despite fasting for a long time span. Especially he wrote about Annamonaro whose body had a lot of sulfides whenever she fasted for long. Ultraviolet radiations too augmented which could be seen as a radiant wheel. The great scholar Thirsten has described many such radiant saints and found that they had an extraordinary state of electricity within.


Quite some time back American scientists have published data regarding the aura around the body (especially head) of human beings. Today Russian scientists have succeeded in capturing this aura in photographs. In the 145th volume of ‘Soviet Union Letter’ a detail of this can be found. This aura does not remain as it is for long. In it there is decrease/increase which tells us what electrical movements take place within man. If more is unearthed regarding this aura, then not only the bodily state but also the movements of the brain of any individual can be gauged in depth and detail.


All activities of bodily circulation and brain’s state can be gauged not by means of blood, flesh etc but via the electrical flow which as the life force pervades every pore of our being. This verily is called human electricity. We call such people radiant, brilliant and full of divine aura. A great amount of it found in talented, progressive, enterprise based individuals.


This life electricity is different from material electricity that is used in various gadgets. We get an electrical shock on touching batteries, magnet, generator etc. Its contact help bulbs, fans, TV etc to function. The status of human electricity is different hence it does not perform such tasks. Despite this it executes those important tasks of various requirements of creatures.


A major substratum of the inner structure of cells is mitochondria. In other words you can call it the power house/electrical station of cells. Marching ahead from food, blood, flesh, bones etc ultimately in this center it takes the form of energy. This energy keeps the cell active and its collective activity is seen as creature manager. This energy can be said to be the minutest part of Prana or vital force. When this acts collectively all bodies it is called Super Prana. It is also called Cosmic Consciousness or Cosmic Prana. This Cosmic Prana also functions in the minutest energy unit cell of the Prana. Despite there being a difference of a drop and the mighty ocean yet both are mutually dependent on one another. If the Prana of each cell were not conjoined to one another Cosmic Prana could never exist. In the same way if Cosmic Prana did not exist the basis of food digestion etc would be absent and it would not be possible to circulate electrical flow like small Prana.

One of the aims of Yoga practices is to augment this conscious electrical force. It is also called mental force, vital power and soul force. Its miracles can be seen via will power.


Within Spiritual Sciences Prana Science has an independent chapter and methodology. On its basis via spiritual endeavor/Sadhana man can imbibe such a large measure of vital electricity that based on it one does not only uplift oneself both materially/spiritually but many others too.


Yoga practices incite and radiate this human electricity in a wondrous manner. If the endeavor is apt, wholesome man becomes full of vital force and divinely radiant too. With the help of the energy of imbibed vital electricity one attains mind boggling successes in various fields of life and by helping others they too get uplifted.


With reference to vital electricity anatomy scientists conclude that a major role is played by energy potential and conjoined to it impulses in the working of muscles. The classification of these electrical streams and naming is put forth as Cephalic Trizamil Nunelgia. The research scientist of Thermoleric Coupling has come to this conclusion that all the activities of the human body occur because of this electrical flow.


Everyone knows that electricity is at work in the human body. Via electrocardiography and electro-encephalography this can clearly be noted. In our blood veins we find hemoglobin that contains iron. Just as iron filings get attracted to a magnet so too our life force helps conjoin cells to one another. Its consciousness’ admixture all activities take place which we call life circulation.


Special characteristics seen in the body like brilliance, zest, freshness, zeal, enterprise, enthusiasm, steadfastness, alertness etc are results of vital energy. Hence people are called brilliant, radiant, men of austerities etc. Great leaders in the annals of world history are of this type.


Machines work with the help of energy. Man’s body too is like a machine. That electricity required for its functioning is called vital force or Prana. It is a fire which in order to keep it blazing requires external aid. Modern scientists call it ‘life electricity’.


Sleep is not merely a way to ward off tiredness or take rest. According to scientific research studies the conscious part of the brain goes into unconsciousness so that it can travel into interstellar space and imbibe electrical flows from there in a measure so required. Aerials catch radio waves. In deep sleep our unconscious (sub conscious) mind becomes of this state and from interstellar space imbibes so much electrical nourishment that the management of our bodily and mental activities runs smoothly. If you do not sleep properly these activities run haywire simply because one has not availed of this interstellar electrical nourishment. As a result man becomes tensed and groggy. Sometimes before madness takes over in a person he/she sleeps less for a few days previously. In lack of sleep this nourishment is lacking.


Bang opposite to this when this energy advances meaning when it becomes potent with the subtle body’s aid all potentials manifest. The Ritambhara Prajna or Divine Intellect can be awakened wherein even without any material means man can gain information of far off objects/people, foretelling the future and predicting weather changes. All these activities are executed via a very high stature and subtle most consciousness. Any person can understand this via even a little practice of Pranayama that the more the practice continues the intellect becomes more sharp and subtle and sleep becomes very deep. One quality of deep sleep is a lightweight feeing of the body as also joy. Further dreams that foretell future events can also be seen.


‘Novatsi News Agency’ has published news titled ‘Giving English Education’ at the time of sleep. Seeing the title itself the reader will be dumbstruck. In waking state we do read many books, teachers educate us and yet students complain that ‘I do not remember everything’. Thus it seems impossible to teach someone in deep sleep. What we would like to say is that the soul is so sensitive that via its subtle body/light it can read either while awake /asleep and thus imbibe knowledge. Any powerful person can bestow his/her thought, wisdom, divine intellect and message to another person in any state. People may not have believed this but for the fact that in a place called Dubna near Moscow (Russia) science is making all efforts to prove this fact wherein 1000 people in deep sleep are being taught the English language. The researchers maintain that in 40 days these people in deep sleep can master English in 40 days flat.


Within this program only people who can enter deep sleep are chosen to study any language. When they are in deep sleep a tape recorder of a particular language is heard by them. In deep sleep itself they learn grammar and word pronunciation. Till date such experimental data published has proved to be very successful.


On the one hand this experiment and on the other scientists’ unabated research has commenced to prove that it is not impossible to find in the subtle body (which is within the gross body) the mind and actions of its sense organs.


Because of these events which have taken place in many nations and many people residing there the attention of scientists are now drawn in this direction. Today Modern Science is forced to answer the question: Is there an existence of human beings beyond the gross physical body made of blood, bones etc? Does such an existence like a subtle body exist which can send messages to far off places and perform tasks that cannot be accomplished by the gross physical body? The act of sending human messages to far off places without any gross material means is called ‘telepathy’. The Head of Department of the Physiology section of Russia’s Leningrad University Prof Leonid Vasiliev very recently performed a rare experiment. It should be remembered that Russia’s political ideology is such that it does not only say that religion, spirituality is not required by mankind but that they opine it is like an intoxicating drug. Despite this because of such events taking place he did not fail to notice them. Prof Leonid Vasiliev via telepathy deluded researchers of a far off placed laboratory. He forced these researchers to give up performing the task they were doing and instead induced them to other activities. The researchers unknowingly were forced to abide by what Prof Leonid Vasiliev (situated in a far off place) induced them to do. They were not even aware as to what they were doing. Via this experiment Prof Leonid Vasiliev concluded that one person can influence another person via his/her power of resolve or will power (Sankalpa) and can make them dance to ones tunes. For this no material medium is required or any other means. To the extent that it can be executed even if the place is extremely far off.


Man is a factory that laughs, talks, thinks and makes decisions. In order to start a factory energy is required. It can be attained via heat from oil, steam, coal, electricity etc. The human body ‘factory’ requires energy. For this man has a self working machine given by Almighty Lord. This furnace gets heat via fuel like food, water and air. Further than this the functioning goes on, on its own. In the stomach digestive chemicals are produced not by food but by traditional energy sources. Food in fact only manufactures heat that excites these energy founts.

By itself the center of consciousness is said to be the brain and it is nourished by the blood center of the heart region. The heart gets materials from the stomach. The mouth fills the stomach with food. The mouth in turn is helped by the hand to feed it. This cycle goes on but in reality the entire body is a storehouse of power and energy. This energy is of the extraordinary electricity type. Extraordinary because unlike material electricity it does not run blindly but that only after seeing who is in front of it will its activity increase/decrease.


Human electricity is every individual’s personal and special wealth. On its basis it graces in such a manner, such give and take occurs which cannot be gained via monetary transactions. One person influences another is known to all. The greatness of association is sung by all. There are many examples of how good company benefits one and bad association brings ones downfall. This influence does not occur solely via conversation, social transaction, greed or pressure but it takes place more so because of give and take of electricity present in those individuals.


 The quality of heat and electricity is that wherever things are conducive it enlarges its area of working and influence. Potent individuals full of vital force influence those who are weak minded. Of course weak people due to their pathetic state invoke compassion in powerful people and force them to give something. On seeing her little baby a mother’s breast oozes with milk and heart overflows with love. Thus when powerful people give something to the weak they never undergo any loss. Generosity based self fulfillment overcomes any lack experienced by them. From a superficial standpoint a mother who breast feeds her child loses milk and yet because of affection based satiation her emotional aspect experiences satiation.


Excess emotions means more vital force exists. Such individuals may look physically weak yet their will power/soul force is very potent and in comparison to physically strong people, they undergo lesser diseases/illnesses and are more joyful too. From the flesh standpoint someone may be very strong but because their vital force is weak they undergo various diseases and are not emotionally joyful on contacting others.


We are all aware of benefits of bodily strength, intellectual strength, wealth strength, weapon strength, authority strength etc. If only people knew about the potential and utility value of will power they would realize that its attainment exceeds importance of all benefits enumerated above. Soul force not only makes us radiant but that it has the capacity to influence others in the mundane world and imbibe help/cooperation from them. Some people have the capacity to perform otherwise strenuous tasks quite deftly/easily. The reason is that their inner personality is very potent and is the basis of all round success. If only our intense efforts march ahead in this direction verily we will have the true capacity of being truly powerful in a wholesome way.




29 Sep


The Yogi looking at the future spiritual heir in front of him with the viewpoint of a disciple said: with the help of nature and solar rays one class of objects can be converted to that of another class. In this manner Patanjali Yoga Sutras (aphorisms) viz. ‘jatyantaraparinamaha prakritya purat’ can be proved true. On inferring thus that possibly this student was skeptical about this statement he took a rose from his preceptorial seat in his hand and asked his student: Alright! Tell me. Can this flower change its species on its own? No, is that right? But via Solar Science its class can be changed. The student said: Then do change it to a flower called China rose. The yogi taking the flower in his left hand and with his right hand through the lens glass gathered the rays of the sun which had previously spread out on it. Slowly the rose flower disappeared and only its aura remained. And then in its place appeared a freshly grown China rose flower. That yogi well known as Paramhans Swami Vishudhanand through solar energy and his own spiritual power induced a change in the law of nature and thus transformed the very root nature of a visible object. He said to his disciple Gopinath Kaviraj: This entire world is based on the play of nature’s laws. This deep wisdom can be fathomed by a Yogi only and just as Patanjali has said ‘bhuvanam jnanam surye sanyamat’ (Yogadarshan, Vibhutipaad-26) right in ones own life and the sun after accumulating all the knowledge of the world can be obtained.


For Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj personally it was an amazing incident. He was overawed not only by the miracle but by the transformation made in inert nature via will power making solar rays a medium to do so. Swamiji spoke in great detail that day saying; by using will power or Sankalpa Shakti and scientific prowess a divine creation ensues. Sun is the world’s creator, nourisher etc. Yoga means uniting 2 things together. A Solar yogi who is well versed with solar science is aware of light spectrum; after purifying these colors (Varnas) they are mixed and thus matter integrates or disintegrates as the case may be. In this manner a transformation takes place in matter’s inner nature. That which is imperishable and invisible dwells in the womb of a void; this too can be made perceptible/tangible via Solar Science. He was telling his disciple: Mind’s thoughts, emotions and agitations are directly influenced by solar rays. A knower of Solar Science at a subtle level via rays induces changes in mental impressions or Sanskars and by giving an upper impetus to an individual’s thought process can influence him/her to progress further spiritually. In this manner Solar science intervenes not only within inert nature but also within the conscious universe and right from visible gross changes to human conscious movements can be influenced by it and thus increases those thoughts which destroy sins in human psyche/soul.

The Gurudeeksha (preceptor initiation) of Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj took place with this initial talk and this scholar cum learned one of Tantra Science became not merely a student of Solar Science but started research studies too. By surrendering to his preceptor he put down on paper many incidences related to the transcendental nature of Solar Science. On reading it that knowledge which is extraordinary is found which is a very important treasure of ancient Divine Culture and which is controlled and managed by the Rishi-conscious center of Himalayan and Tibetan regions.


In the inaccessible Himalayan mountains constant research activities are conducted in the fields of Lunar Science, Astronomy, Wind science, Time Science, Sound Science and Solar Science which are all affiliated to Indian Culture. For those with mere superficial curiosity and shallow thinking these Sciences will remain a mystery and a veiled secret. But those with a profound spiritual approach or with the aim of awakening their soul power carry out deep studies. For these people the path is always wide open. Thus spoke Paramhans Vishudhanand also well known as Sugandhi Baba to his disciples and through their medium to the entire world of erudite humans.


Solar Science or Savita Study is said to be the basic pillar of Vedic worship methodology. Shri Aurobindo Ghosh has said that the icon of Aryans has been one only; it is self illumining, one without a second, the sun (tad ekam tad satyam). Savita, creator sun is the lord of truth, giver of splendor, is an inventor and the nourishing Pusha (Sun God). Those who meditate on it are given revelation, inspiration, intuition and luminous discernment which gives life through light inspiration to the mental creation and its 3 worlds.


Bhulok with a material consciousness, Bhuvalok with the active vital force consciousness and the radiant mind (pure psychological consciousness0 Swahalok are inspired by that very Savita whose rays have created this universe. Through them it is possible for a Yogi to bring about a change, uniting/separating creation of any inert or conscious part of the cosmos.


The famous indologist and a rare scientist of his times, Paul Brunton during his Indian tour reached Varanasi (Benares) while trying to understand the secret wisdom of Tibet, Egypt etc. he has detailed a few incidences of that tour in his book ‘A search in secret India’. In an essay devoted to Solar Science via the medium of Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj in Vishudhanand Kanan Ashram, Maldhiya, Banaras, UP, India who held discussions with Paramhans Vishudhanandji were detailed therein. Because Brunton’s mentality was that of curiosity, the Paramhans first gave him a handkerchief with various fragrances gathered through a medium of crystal quartz. Apart from this, he also saw that from a void, fresh grape and from air, sweet food items could be produced and also how a withered flower could bloom afresh. By understanding the scientific basis of all this, he said that solar rays are the continuous source of vital force. By understanding its deep import, its unity and separation is called Solar Science. Due to this secret science, the power of creation or Sidhi (Divine Power) of the universe with great difficulty is obtained. Possibly the creation of a new universe by Rishi Vishwamitra was successful due to the aid of this science because Gayatri Mantra is a prayer of the worship of Savita God and he is the Rishi of Gayatri.


 Paramhans Vishudhanandji by exhibiting these Divine Powers of Solar Science only to pure characters and pure hearted people inspired to undergo deep worship of Savita God, Gayatri ceremony and Yoga studies. Never was his exhibition for transient name and fame nor for ‘showing off’ vainly miracles and Sidhis. This was the very reason that after lonely deep research by bringing Solar Science from the inaccessible caves of Tibet was able to establish it in the holy city of Varanasi. The act of producing diamonds, gold, pearls etc via solar rays and returning them to the cosmos was seen by many individuals with their very eyes. Apart from this everyone has a subtle lotus in the navel region; Paramhansji produced a lotus along with its stalk from his navel and showed it to his disciple. He researched in his own body just as modern scientist research in laboratories and thus helped wisdom seeking aspirants to undergo Savita studies. One day on finding a pure hearted student called Jagesh Vasu he transformed 2 flowers of wood apple into a crystal of quartz with the help of solar rays. With his Yogic power, one quartz crystal entered his own body and the other into the body of his preceptor brother Kedar Bhowmik. As a result of this the body remains healthy and molecules of high quality are created. Round shaped quartz crystal entered the body and not even one drop of blood oozed out. Both brothers served Dharma Kshetra and for a long time lived healthy lives. (This excerpt is taken from ‘The Life of Swami Vishudhanand’ by Nandlal Gupta; Published by Vishwavidyalaya prakashan, Varanasi).

On unveiling the curtain that lies on Solar Science Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj writes: this process is dependent on the knowledge of pure solar rays. Due to the unity and separation of its various types many types of matter are known to manifest. The mutually directed union of various rays is the secret of Solar Science. From this there can either be creation of the universe or its destruction. Hence it is of great importance to understand its process. He further elaborates that one should clearly understand the difference between the creating of the universe scientifically and that via Yogic power. According to him Yogic creating is the result of desire power or Iccha Shakti. The main materials required are the soul of the creator and his omnipotent soul force. Yoga creating is external illumination of the form present in the soul through ones strong will power or desire. Within the Savitri mode this according to Tantra parlance is separating of a drop.


Adi Shankaracharya says that the divine sport of the entire world is taking place within ones own soul. Just as the reflection of a city seen in a mirror, exists within the mirror itself and not apart from it, so too the reflected scenes rest in the illumined soul only and are not separate from it. A realized soul or Jnani looks at the world in this very form because in his vision there exists nothing apart from the soul. By taking help from the illusory power called Maya a Jnani illumines outwardly the power of the soul.


A Yogi’s scientific creation is that in which via the medium of quartz etc the basic materials of objects found in nature can be created or destroyed. According to the requirements in natural creation those qualities can be projected which the author or doer desires. That which we call a rose flower is surely a rose at the gross level but in it one finds all the basic materials of a lotus etc too. A lotus can thus be transmuted to a rose and vice versa. Not only a flower but which ever object we desire it can be created from a rose or any other object. Although the external appearance changes the rose does not turn into a void. It merely becomes non manifest or that it remains in seed form. The rose remained in a subtle form and the lotus manifested in its gross form. Solar Science believes that this principle of scientific creation is applicable to all materials found in this world and its other conscious arenas. In the back ground of every object the basic nature is found in the non manifest and manifest/gross form too. Only a Yogi can bring about such transformations and transmutations in nature.

The above incident of Solar Science is super natural and transcendental in nature and along with many miracles is filled with many possibilities. It shows that the sun’s subtle and causal form is of the nature of a creator and nurturer and via the narrow wisdom of the solar ray spectrum in the form of quartz lens etc or via Yogic power by making changes which are more or less in its systemic arrangement the forms of various regions of the cosmos can be transformed. This methodology is filled with many potentials and possibilities that can lead to world well being. Great seer of Indian culture viz. the scientific and revolutionary Rishis of yore excelling in these modes and precepts succeeded in executing various such applications with the help of Mantras and other spiritual techniques. If today an apt usage of available materials and wisdom can be made infinite people the world over can benefit from this secret application of ancient sciences.